Grandmaster Mekachu04
Mekachu ZeroFour

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'92 APR - Brichtrede √

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'92 APR - Brichtrede √

"Cops!" someone yelled, and everyone scattered.

Killer grabbed jacket and hauled him to his feet, the two hoofing it toward the highway. It was clear to Killer unfortunately that Kidd's legs were still too short, and his own steps too unsteady, and there was no way they'd both get away. He pushed Kidd out in front of him, "Hide in the underpass, go go!" Kidd faltered for just a second, before Killer shoved at him again, "GO!"

Killer slowed down, veering off to the left; still moving at a good pace for how much the world blurred at the edges, but slower than Kidd - whose shorter height helped him disappear into the tall brush. And then he was being tackled to the ground with an "ougph"


Officer Hina marched him back to the squad car, lined up with a couple of the other stragglers against the elementary school. He didn't see Heat or Wire, nor was Kidd ever marched over either, and he slumped with relief. Sheriff Smoker walked down the line after, divvying them out among his collection of officers. "What the hell, Bujin..." he muttered when he got to Killer, who refused to met his gaze. No doubt him being there clued the sheriff into who else had been there but there was no way in hell Killer was saying anything.


There was a wait once they got to the Sheriff's Office, Killer towards the end of the line of assembled teenagers getting booked. Finally, one of the officers collected him, sitting him alone in one of the rooms. Sheriff Smoker came in finally, sitting across from him. Neither said a word, before Smoker dragged the corded phone off the side table and set it down in front of him. "Call your old man. Let's get this over with."

Killer just stared at the phone, Smoker watching what little colour he had drain from his face. "Bujin - "

"I .. I don't want to."

Smoker was quiet, "Kid, I can't-"

"I'll stay the night, whatever you want. Just.. please.. don't make me call him."

Smoker rubbed his forehead. "Bujin, its too late for this. I want to go home. I'm sure you want to go home. This is your one and only chance for a phone call."

Killer studied the phone, chewing on his lip, before glancing up at the clock. He looked at the Sheriff one more time, before pulling the phone towards him. He held the handset up, receiver to his ear and looked directly at Sheriff Smoker as he dialed.

The two were quiet for a moment as they waited for someone to answer. Killer sat up, his face loosing his nervous edge when a voice came though. "Mrs. Eustass? It's Killer, I au.. I'm sorry for calling so late..."

He paused, Sheriff Smoker sitting forward suspiciously. "I um.. I.. I.. Something's come up, and I was wondering if you could go down the the elementary school, and lock my truck up? The keys are still in it, and I'm worry someone might steal her..."

He was quiet for a moment, Smoker assumed Brichtrede was asking questions, he'd have to listen to the tapes later.

"No, no. He-Everything's okay. Its.. Its okay. I.. " the boy hunched over, "I'm really sorry, ma'am."

He said it in that soft way of his that Smoker almost misheard it for mom, and the Sheriff knew this night was about to get much longer. Killer might not be calling to ask for a bail out, but Smoker already knew what was going to happen, even if the kid didn't realize what he just set in motion.

"I messed up. I'm sorry."

He hung up then, pushing the phone back to Sheriff Smoker who groaned, pulling the phone back to it's proper place. He studied to boy for a moment, an intoxicated 16 year old sitting across from him, who held his gaze for the first time that night and didn't back down. "Are you sure that's the phone call you want to make?"

"Yes sir."

Sheriff Smoker escorted him back to the holding cell to spend the night, and prepare for the fight with a mama bear with no jurisdiction. The sad reality was Kamazo Bujin was probably going to be safer in the drunk tank with the others than at home tonight anyway.


Killer looked up in surprise when Officer Hina called for him, motioning for him to follow her as they let him out of the holding cell.

He was even more surprises to see Kidd & his mother standing in the lobby talking to Sheriff Smoker. Kidd was doing his best not to look at anyone, and Mrs. Eustass looked so disappointed, Killer tried to turn back around only for Officer Hina to spin him right back 'round and march him forward again.

"Good evening Mrs. Eustass." he mumbled, staring at his feet.

"Kidd, take Killer out to the car."

Sheriff Smoker looked like he wanted to say something, but she held a hand up for him to wait until the boys moved out of ear shot.

"Mrs. Eustass - he needs to be released to a parent or legal guardian. He cannot be released into your custody as a minor."

Hina did not appear to agree, remaining between him and the door the boys had left though. Tellingly Smoker allowed it, even if he was still verbally protesting.

"Sheriff, I will sign whatever you need me to, I will pay whatever his bail is, but you know as well as I do that calling his father is the worse possible thing you could do to that boy. Hitokiri will beat him senseless and you know that."

Sheriff Smoker did know that actually, he just couldn't prove that. "Brichtrede, You know that without evidence, I can't-"

"Don't you give me that Sheriff, don't you dare give me that line again!"

"Sheriff Smoker..." Officer Hina called quietly, and she whispered to him. With a sigh, Smoker turned an leave, heading into the back offices without a second glance. Hina placed a few papers in the shredder.

"This is his /one/ warning." she told Brichtrede Eustass. "Make sure he understand that."

The mother nodded, said her thanks, and headed back to her car where the two boys waited in the back seat.


Killer was already belted in the seat behind her, Kidd buckled him next to him, looked at her nervously.  She got in and said nothing for a moment, just taking calming breaths.

"Mrs. Eustass, I'm so sorry," Killer said finally, voice cracking.

She looked at him in the review mirror, shaking her head, so angry she wanted to cry. No. No, she was crying.

The boys both looked upset at that, unsure of what to do, and Killer's face scrunched up as he started to cry too, just repeating, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Kamazo Killer Bujin, what in the Blues were you thinking."

"I wasn't, I was stupid,"

"Damn right you were stupid!" He froze at that, and she had to hold her breath for a moment to keep from continuing on a tirade. Kidd looked scared too but Killer looked like he was waiting for her to reach back and hit him.

"You are so inconceivably lucky Sheriff Smoker doesn't believe you were involved in the vandalizing, much less even knew about it. It's already bad enough you were trespassing on a school! A SCHOOL! But then you were drinking?!"

Killer hunched in on himself, and she turned around to look at him directly. "You were drinking. Alcohol. Around MY SON. My 12 year old son."

He looked at her briefly, eyes catching for just a second before looking away. He nodded miserably. Next too him, Kidd looked uncomfortable, knowing that this was bad but not really understanding the scope of it.

"Tell me, Killer, how were you planning on getting my son home tonight? Because if you say driving, I will march you right back inside, so help me god, and you can wait until your father figures out where you are and comes and deals with you himself."

"Mom, no..." Kidd started, but she turned and shot him such a look he immediately shut up. Killer said nothing, just looked at her, heartbroken, hand hovering on his seat-belt release when he could think of no other excuse to give her.

"If you ever even /entertain/ such a thought again young man, I will /never/ let you so much as look at my son, do you understand me?"

"Yes ma'am." he whispered. The heavy ma'am again. Okay, she deserved that she supposed.

She turned forward, turning the car on and gripping the wheel as she tried to calm down.

She looked up at him in the mirror one more time, watched him fail to stop crying, struggling to at least keep them quiet, turned away so Kidd could not see.

Kidd, who was look at her like she was threatening to take his whole world away. Which she was, to be fair.

"Killer, hon?"

"Yes ma'am?" he choked out.

"Thank you, for not getting my son arrested tonight. And for calling me to tell me where he was, even indirectly, so I could go and pick him up."

Killer nodded, before finding his voice again, "Of course, ma'am."

"Sheriff Smoker said they wont tow your truck tonight. I'll pick you up later today and we can go get once the sun's up." she handed his keys back to him from when she'd gone and picked her son up a few hours earlier, Kidd having doubled back to hide in the cab of the truck for anyone to come back once it had gotten too cold to keep hiding in the ditch under the highway.

Killer took the keys from her, curling around them in shame. She was maybe the only person left on earth that could make him feel ashamed anymore, and it was in spades tonight.

She turned back to the wheel, and put the car in drive, heading to the highway. It was 2 am now - it was going to be nearly 4 by the time they got home. "You got 40 miles to figure out what you're telling your father when we get there, so you better start brainstorming excuses now."

It wont matter what story he comes up with, she knows. Hitokiri Bujin was going to be apoplectic. She's half a mind to just take Killer home with them tonight if the house is dark when they drive past. No sense risking waking the man up if there's no reason.

The house lights are on though, as she rounds the corner. The man's up and about. Brichtrede risks a glance back in the mirror, both boys have fallen asleep against each other - no. No, Killer has fallen asleep. Kidd is looked back at her, clinging Killer to him, looking distraught as they approached the small home of his best friend.

She drives right on past, without giving the Bujin home a second glance. Kidd sags in relief, but his hold does not loosen.


John meets her in the garage when she pulls in, standing in the doorway with a cup of coffee in hand. It looks like he's been awake since she left to get the boys. "Alright, inside sweetie," she tells Kidd as she gets out to give her husband the cliff notes of the night.

Adrenalin can only to so much to sober one up, and Killer is still very much drunk, despite the turn the night went. He's passed out still, and doesn't wake when John opens up the back door. Kidd unclips his belt, and John hefts the scrawny 16 year old up like he ways little more than a feed bag, and there's a good chance he probably doesn't. Kidd gets out, only looking a little more awake, sort of stumbling over his own feet.

"Go wash up and get in your jammies." Brichtrede tells him, ruffling his hair as he slips in the house. John carries Killer in after him, "What's the game plan?" he asks.

"He can borrow some sleep pants from Kidd, we'll set him up on the couch and let him sleep it off."

"He smells like he's been drinking...." John winces as he sees her expression. "Blues..."

She nods, ushering them in the house, dragging her fingers down her face in exhaustion. The car was not the place to have had yelled at him, but that talk needed to happen. They'd talk more once he was sober and rested, but she needed to make sure he really understood her on this.

Kidd was leaving the bathroom when John carried Killer into the living room, "Kidd, can you grab an pair of sleep pants for Killer to borrow?"

He nodded, disappearing upstairs his own room to change, coming down later with the largest pair he had. They'd still be short on Killer, but he was skinny enough the waist would fit at least. As it was he was drowsily coming around as John pulled his boots off.

Killer's eyes were still red and puffy, a combination of drink and crying, and he didn't really seem to be putting together where he was. But Kidd was there, taking charge and dragging the older boy into the bathroom to get him washed up and changed.

John took Killer's boots and jacket to hang by the door, kissing Brichtrede on his way by. "I'm gonna head to work here in a bit, unless you need me to stay?"

She shook her head no, and then moved to the kitchen for a moment as the boys got ready for bed, seeing her husband off while she waited.

Kidd had attempted to fold Killer's cloths up and was holding them awkwardly in the hall, and she motioned for him to go ahead an throw them in the washing machine, before pulling a spare pillow and some blankets down from the linen closet. She'd get a load going once she got the boys settled, call the schools and let them know neither would be coming in today, and would attempt a nap herself.

She got Killer set up on the couch, along with a refill of his glass of water - he drank the first one she handed him dry almost immediately - and the now empty trash bin from the bathroom. "If you have to puke, just do it in here- don't try to find the bathroom in the dark."

He laid down, out almost immediately, and she walked Kidd up to his room to tuck him in. Her son climbed into bed without a fuss, but pulled away when she tried to kiss him good night. "Baby, what is it?" There was so much that happened tonight - where to guess what he'd fixated on.

"You were gonna leave Killer there..."

She was quiet. She wouldn't of... but she's certainly threatened too, hadn't she?

"We drove all the way out there to get him, but then you were gonna leave.." Kidd accused, upset and tears starting to form, "You showed up and then was gonna make him go back in by himself and leave him. You said... You said he couldn't see me anymore!"

She sat on the bed next to him, he scooched to let her, biting his lip as he cried openly into her side. She didn't say anything, just rubbed his back.

"I did." she admitted finally. "I did because I was so scared..."

"Scared of what?"

"Baby, baby, drinking like he did tonight is dangerous... and for him to think he could drive afterward....  he could have killed both of you."

Kidd looked at her in horror, "He wouldn't - Killer's real careful when he drives me around.... promise! He makes me wear the seat belt and he drives like.. half the speed limit! And he almost never drives us on the paved roads! He wont even let me sit the the back with Heat and Wire!"

She shook her head, "Alcohol does funny things to your head, Kidd. I can't.. I can't say I'm happy he's started drinking, no, I'm pretty mad about that. But he's not my son. I can't tell him to stop. But you are, and Kidd, baby... you don't ever get in the car with someone whose been drinking, you promise me that. Right now. You never, EVER let someone drive you around if they've been drinking." She was so intense right then Kidd could do little more than agree to this.

She tucked him in then, sighing heavily. "I know Killer's your best friend. I know you're his best friend. I wouldn't normally ever dream of splitting the two of you up. but Kidd, this is important. And I need Killer to understand that, because I don't think he does yet. Okay?"

"I guess...." He didn't think to tell her that Killer would stop, if she did ask him to. That Killer always did what she asked of him, even if Kidd told him to ignore her.

She kissed his forehead and he let her this time. "Just get some sleep baby."


She was only able to get a couple hours of sleep in before her own day needed to begin, and once dressed, she peeked in on her son to see how he was fairing only to see an empty bed.

Downstairs, Killer was wedged into the back of the couch, Kidd tucked in front of him, only fighting gravity's pull by Killer's hold on him. Or maybe it was the other way around, seeing how tight Kidd had wrapped himself around Killer during the late morning hours, pinning him back to the cushions. She pulled the blankets up around them from where they'd started to fall on the floor.

The water glass was empty again, and Brichtrede could smell from here that Killer had indeed puked in the trash bin at some point, taking it with her as she passed by to toss it outside to deal with later. John had prepped the coffee pot for her before he left, and she turned it on as she moved the clothes from the washer to the dryer so Killer would have something to wear once they did finally wake up.

Then she sat at he table, deep in thought, contemplating the night and what needed to be discussed before she drove the oldest of her two boys to get his truck. She might not be his mother, but she was hoping that his love for her son would have him listen to her seriously on this.

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