Grandmaster Mekachu04
Mekachu ZeroFour

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Kidd -15

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He's 15, sitting in Killer's truck, leaning over to angrily beat the horn with the palm of his left hand. They're less than two weeks into the second term, and he doesn't want to start the new year with late marks already. His mom's already cross with him over his other disciplinary notes from the first half of the school year.

Finally, Killer stumbles down the steps of his dad's place, looking exhausted.

"Dude. We're going to be late." Kidd cracks the door to yell - it's too cold to crank the window down. Killer comes around to Kidd's side and just shoves the keys at him and pushes him across the bench.

With a roll of his eyes, Kidd moves into the driver seat, eagerly starting the old girl up so he can turn on the heater. "Seriously, Killer. You hungover or something? What party are you going to in fucking January," he grumbled, pulling the truck down the drive to the dirt road they lived on, "and why wouldn't you invite me?"

Killer gave him a tired smile, one that didn't reach his eyes, "I'm not taking a freshman to any parties, Kidd."

"Tch" Kidd grumbled, pushing the truck as hard as he dared on the snow pack. He risked a glance at Killer, who just slumped against the glass, dozing already. "hey... you sleeping okay?"

Killer grunted a him, "Some jackass drove through the west fence yesterday. By the time they got his car back on the road it was dark. We had to round up and move Big Mam's herd to the horse paddock so the fuckers don't wander out on the highway."

"Fuck." Kidd muttered. Killer's folks didn't raise cattle, but they did lease their land out to the ranchers who did, meaning they were on the line if anything happened. Big Mam was one of the old families of the area, one of the few to actually make money living in this rural nightmare, making her one of the four biggest local employers. Everyone Kidd knew worked for her in some way; her or Old Beast Kaido. "When'd you get home?"

"Like... two hours ago." Killer mumbled. Kidd did ask anymore questions, just let him sleep as he made the hour drive to the only town large enough for a school.

"Hey... Hey Killer, wake up man." he nudged Killer's shoulder once, pulling into one of the crappy fast food joint's drive through. They were late already, no point in hurrying now. Killer only grumbled at him, so Kidd ordered them both the same breakfast and coffees, before pulling into a stall behind the place. He waved the coffee under Killer's face, until finally the senior opened his eyes. "Coffee?"

"Food too," Kidd grinned, working on his own meal once Killer took the coffee from him. The two sat through first period in the empty parking lot, munching away. Killer looked better with something in his system, but the dark circles weren't going away any time soon. Kidd drove them back in time to start second period.

By the end of the week, Killer's still driving Kidd into town, but he sleeps in his truck though the first half of the day. By early March, he's dropping Kidd off a the school's door and not bothering with classes at all. He officially drops out two months before the school year ends, and Kidd is pissed at him.

"Wasn't going to graduate anyway, why bother?"

He still drives Kidd to school every morning, drops him off at the school, before picking up a part time job in town to fill his day instead of classes. "I dun wanna work for Big Mam or Whitebeard or whoever for the rest of my life. I don't want to die in this shit hole with everyone else. I start saving now, and hell, maybe I can get out of here by the time you graduate."

Kidd walks to wherever Killer's working that day once the last bell rings, and most days Killer lets him drive them back, catching some sleep before they get home and Killer's out helping his old man with some job or another for which ever of the Big Four.

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