Grandmaster Mekachu04
Mekachu ZeroFour

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Kidd -16

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He's 16, and he's looking at the requirements he's got to fulfill do be able to get a driver's license. He can't just take Killer's truck down to the DMV for the driving test anymore. The modifications required for him to have on his vehicle to be allowed to test are extensive... and expensive. "I'll ask around," Wire had told him, "We'll get at least something so you can take the test."

He's been driving Killer's truck for two years. He doesn't want to take the test on something new.

Killer is quiet for a long time after he's read over the documents. "Fuck that." he said finally, throwing Kidd his keys. Kidd caught them one handed easily. "Get in. You're driving."

Kidd waves his stump at him.

Killer doesn't stop for him, just gets in his truck. Driver side open for Kidd.

He's nervous for the first time since he was 14. Killer scowls at him, and Kidd pulls on the seat belt to distract himself. It's awkward to put it on in the driver seat, Kidd's heart is hammering in his throat. His palm is sweaty.

Killer puts his left hand on the stick, "right foot on the break - that's the middle pedal."

It's so ridiculous, Kidd laughs. But he does as he's told, something he's done a million times so far. Killer seems to be able to feel when the brake engages. He pops the truck in neutral. "Start her up."

"Killer - "

"Just turn the key, Kidd. Trust me okay?"

The engine roared to life.

"Left foot to the clutch - put her all the way down."

Kidd grins, giving Killer a silly look. "You're crazy."

Killer just grins back, wiggling the stick in his left hand. Kidd pushes down the clutch, and Killer raises an eyebrow questioningly.

"First gear, top left" Kidd tells him. Killer does so, but his hand stays where it is, resting on the stick.

They start down Kidd's driveway slowly. Kidd's as nervous as the first day in the student lot, but he knows this engine. He knows her noises, and more importantly, Killer knows his truck. He's not going to let Kidd mess this up, not really. Sure, he lets Kidd stall a few times on the back roads, but no more than Kidd did himself when he first learned.

They work out a system, and Killer only beams at him when they get her up to fourth. "See - you got this."

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