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The Imperial Code Legal Section 1-7

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The Imperial Code Legal Section 1-7

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1.1 - The Authority of the Empire:

The Empire is the supreme governing authority within its borders. Its laws are to be followed by all citizens, regardless of rank or station. Failure to adhere to the laws of the Empire will result in punishment, as determined by the judicial system.

1.2 - The Laws of the Empire:

The laws of the Empire are based on the principles of justice, order, and the greater good. These laws apply to all citizens equally, without exception. The laws are divided into categories based on the type of crime committed.

1.3 - The Role of Magic:

The use of magic is permitted and encouraged within the Empire, but it must be used responsibly and in accordance with the laws governing its use. Any misuse of magic, including the use of dark or forbidden magic, will result in severe punishment.

1.4 - The Role of Religion:

The Empire recognizes the Church of the Seldarine as its official religion. While citizens are free to practice any religion they choose (although all non-Seldarine practicers must register with the Ministry of Faith), they must do so in accordance with the laws of the Empire. Any actions deemed to be in violation of these laws will be punished accordingly.

1.5 - The Role of Non-Citizens:

Non-citizens within the Empire are subject to its laws and regulations while within its borders. Any violations of these laws will be punished according to the severity of the offense.

1.6 - The Role of Law Enforcement:

The Imperial Military is responsible for upholding the laws of the Empire and maintaining order within its borders. Citizens are expected to cooperate with law enforcement officials and report any suspected criminal activity.

1.7 - Punishments:

Punishments for violations of the laws of the Empire will be determined by the judicial system. Punishments may range from fines and imprisonment to more severe penalties, such as banishment or even execution. The severity of the punishment will be determined based on the severity of the offense and any extenuating circumstances.

2.1 High Treason:

Definition: Any act of rebellion, sedition, or disloyalty against the Empire or the Empress.

Punishment: Death by beheading or worse than death punishment.

2.2 Conspiracy:

Definition: Planning or attempting to commit a crime against the Empire or the Empress.

Punishment: Imprisonment, hard labor, or worse than death punishment.

2.3 Espionage:

Definition: Spying on behalf of a foreign power or organization.

Punishment: Imprisonment, hard labor, or worse than death punishment.

2.4 Corruption:

Definition: Any abuse of power, embezzlement, bribery, or other unethical conduct in the course of public duty.

Punishment: Confiscation of assets, imprisonment, hard labor, or worse than death punishment.

2.5 Heresy:

Definition: Holding beliefs or promoting teachings that are contrary to the Church of the Seldarine.

Punishment: Forced repentance, public humiliation, or worse than death punishment.

2.6 Witchcraft:

Definition: Practicing or promoting magic outside of the sanctioned Warmage Corps or the Church of the Seldarine.

Punishment: Imprisonment, forced labor, planar banishment, or worse than death punishment.

2.7 Necromancy:

Definition: The practice of magic that involves the manipulation of the dead or the living energy of others.

Punishment: Imprisonment, hard labor, mind flaying, or worse than death punishment.

2.8 Demonology:

Definition: The study or summoning of demons or other malevolent extraplanar entities.

Punishment: Imprisonment, planar banishment, or worse than death punishment.

2.9 Blasphemy:

Definition: Any act or utterance that insults or shows disrespect to the Empress, the Empire, or the Church of the Seldarine.

Punishment: Forced repentance, public humiliation, or worse than death punishment.

3.1 Treason against Liege Lord:

Definition: Any act of rebellion, sedition, or disloyalty against one's liege lord.

Punishment: Death by beheading or worse than death punishment.

3.2 Conspiracy against Liege Lord:

Definition: Planning or attempting to commit a crime against one's liege lord.

Punishment: Imprisonment, hard labor, or worse than death punishment.

3.3 Espionage against Liege Lord:

Definition: Spying on behalf of a foreign power or organization against one's liege lord.

Punishment: Imprisonment, hard labor, or worse than death punishment.

3.4 Corruption against Liege Lord:

Definition: Any abuse of power, embezzlement, bribery, or other unethical conduct in the course of duty to one's liege lord.

Punishment: Confiscation of assets, imprisonment, hard labor, or worse than death punishment.

3.5 Heresy against Liege Lord:

Definition: Holding beliefs or promoting teachings that are contrary to the Church of the Seldarine as it relates to one's liege lord.

Punishment: Forced repentance, public humiliation, or worse than death punishment.

4.1 Murder:

Definition: The intentional killing of another person.

Punishment: Death by hanging or worse than death punishment.

4.2 Manslaughter:

Definition: The killing of another person without intent or premeditation.

Punishment: Imprisonment, hard labor, or worse than death punishment.

4.3 Assault:

Definition: The intentional use of force or threat of force against another person.

Punishment: Imprisonment, hard labor, or worse than death punishment.

4.4 Kidnapping:

Definition: The unlawful confinement of another person against their will.

Punishment: Imprisonment, hard labor, or worse than death punishment.

4.5 Rape:

Definition: The non-consensual sexual penetration of another person.

Punishment: Imprisonment, hard labor, or worse than death punishment.

4.6 Enslavement:

Definition: The ownership or control of another person, usually for forced labor or sexual exploitation.

Punishment: Imprisonment, hard labor, or worse than death punishment.

4.7 Torture:

Definition: The intentional infliction of severe physical or mental pain on another person.

Punishment: Imprisonment, hard labor, or worse than death punishment.

4.8 Mind Control:

Definition: The use of magical or other means to control the mind of another person without their consent.

Punishment: Imprisonment, hard labor, mind wiping, or worse than death punishment.

4.9 Necromantic Control:

Definition: The use of necromantic magic to control the body or mind of another person without their consent.

Punishment: Imprisonment, hard labor, mind flaying, or worse than death punishment.

4.10 Possession:

Definition: The use of magical means to take possession of another person's body or mind.

Punishment: Imprisonment, hard labor, planar banishment, or worse than death punishment.

4.11 Blood Magic:

Definition: The use of blood or life force to cast spells or perform magical rituals.

Punishment: Imprisonment, hard labor, or worse than death punishment.

5.1 Theft:

Definition: The unauthorized taking of property belonging to another.

Punishment: Restitution, imprisonment, hard labor.

5.2 Robbery:

Definition: The use of force or intimidation to steal property from another.

Punishment: Restitution, imprisonment, hard labor.

5.3 Burglary:

Definition: The unauthorized entry into a structure with the intent to commit a crime.

Punishment: Restitution, imprisonment, hard labor.

5.4 Vandalism:

Definition: The willful destruction or damage of property belonging to another.

Punishment: Restitution, imprisonment. 

5.5 Fraud:

Definition: The use of deceit or trickery to obtain property or services from another.

Punishment: Restitution, imprisonment, hard labor.

5.6 Arson:

Definition: The intentional setting of fire to property belonging to another.

Punishment: Restitution, imprisonment, hard labor, or worse than death punishment.

5.7 Trespass:

Definition: The unauthorized entry onto property belonging to another.

Punishment: Restitution, imprisonment, fines not to exceed 500GP.

5.8 Embezzlement:

Definition: The theft of money or property by a person in a position of trust or responsibility.

Punishment: Restitution, imprisonment, hard labor.

5.9 Counterfeiting:

Definition: The creation or distribution of false or unauthorized copies of currency, goods, or documents.

Punishment: Restitution, imprisonment, hard labor, or execution by hanging.

5.10 Magical theft:

Definition: The unauthorized taking of magical items or components belonging to another.

Punishment: Restitution, imprisonment, hard labor, death by firing squad, or worse than death punishment.

5.11 Magical vandalism:

Definition: The willful destruction or damage of magical property or components belonging to another.

Punishment: Restitution, imprisonment, hard labor, planar banishment, death by planar banishment, or worse than death punishment.

5.12 Magical fraud:

Definition: The use of magical deceit or trickery to obtain magical property or services from another.

Punishment: Restitution, imprisonment, hard labor.

6.1 Arcane Theft:

Definition: The unauthorized taking or use of magical artifacts, components, or knowledge.

Punishment: Imprisonment, hard labor, planar banishment, death by planar banishment or worse than death punishment.

6.2 Arcane Smuggling:

Definition: The import or export of magical artifacts, components, or knowledge without proper authorization.

Punishment: Confiscation of assets, imprisonment, hard labor, death by planar banishment or worse than death punishment.

6.3 Unlicensed Spellcasting:

Definition: The practice of magic by an unlicensed individual.

Punishment: Fine, imprisonment, hard labor, mind-wiping, mind-flaying, death by hanging, or worse than death punishment.

6.4 Arcane Trespass:

Definition: The use of magic to enter or affect a property or person without proper authorization.

Punishment: Imprisonment, hard labor, sentient freezing.

6.5 Arcane Warfare:

Definition: The use of magic in warfare against the Empire or its allies.

Punishment: Death by beheading, mind flaying, or worse than death punishment.

6.6 Arcane Experimentation:

Definition: The use of living beings, including oneself, for magical experimentation.

Punishment: Imprisonment, hard labor, mind flaying, death by burning at the stake, or worse than death punishment.

6.7 Forbidden Magic:

Definition: The practice of magic that is expressly forbidden by the Warmage Corps or the Church of the Seldarine.

Punishment: Planar banishment, arcane imprisonment, death by burning at the stake, mind wiping, mind flaying, or worse than death punishment.

6.8 Arcane Fraud:

Definition: The misrepresentation or deception of magical abilities or knowledge for personal gain.

Punishment: Confiscation of assets, imprisonment, hard labor.

7.1 Definitions:

Mind-flaying: The practice of extracting a person's memories, thoughts, and emotions through magical means. It is considered a heinous crime under the Code Legal.

Mind-wiping: The practice of erasing a person's memories and personality through magical means. It is considered a heinous crime under the Code Legal.

Imperial Inquisitors: An organization sanctioned by the Empire to investigate and prosecute crimes against the state, including those against the Imperial family, the Empire, and the Church of the Seldarine. Imperial Inquisitors have the authority to conduct investigations, interrogate suspects, and use any means necessary to extract information, including torture and mind-flaying.

7.2 Punishments:

Death: A punishment by execution, typically carried out by beheading or hanging.

Worse than death: A punishment that involves severe physical or mental suffering, including but not limited to: planar banishment, mind-flaying, mind-wiping, and other forms of torture and magical punishment.

Confiscation of assets: A punishment that involves the seizure of property, wealth, and assets belonging to the convicted individual.

7.3 Limitations:

The use of mind-flaying and mind-wiping is restricted to authorized Imperial Inquisitors and requires written approval from the Imperial family.

The use of worse than death punishments is reserved for the most heinous crimes, including high treason, crimes against the Imperial family, and crimes against the Church of the Seldarine.All punishments must be carried out in accordance with the laws and regulations set forth by the Empire and the Church of the Seldarine.

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