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Expansion of Manuscript feature to allow for full singular documents with navigable contents

Feature Upgrade · Manuscripts · Created by Roger Denton
The Issue: Currently, the manuscript only allows for documents to be broken up by individual scenes, making it difficult to import pre-existing works into Manuscript. They can be imported within a single scene section, but any pre-existing table of contents can't be used to navigate and doesn't reflect changes made to the document.   The Solution: I believe the solution is as simple as adding the selectable option write in Manuscripts as a singular document without pre-defined separations between scenes. This would allow existing documents to be pasted into Manuscripts as-is. Manuscripts being given the additional functionality to recognize and allow for pre-existing table of contents to be modified and updated automatically to reflect changes in the document. Conversely, it would allow people to easily copy and paste stories out of Manuscripts for saving in word processors as offline backup. Other Advantages:   This being done would be beneficial to WorldAnvil as a company as it the barriers to place per-existing content into it would be greatly diminished and the ability to make copy-paste offline backups would reduce concern about losing work if anything happens to the online servers.   This change may also make it easier to find characters, locations, and items mentioned in a story as word-search functions can be applied to the entire document at once rather than picking through individual smaller sections. Adjusting the Manuscript feature to enable table of contents to be kept current would also require a long document to be divided into pages as in a word processor. This would make it easier to track the overall length of scenes and chapters.

Follow up

Well crud ... I was using copy and paste to transfer corrections from Reddit where spelling mistakes were highlighted into the submission and it seems the cursor was misplaced into the title. Pardon the error. If I had the option, I'd delete my submission and repost with just the topic name in the subject line.   There a chance a mod can assist in this matter?

The Team's Response

Thanks for your suggestion! Your suggestion is actually three different features, two of which are already possible:  
  • Manuscripts has an integrated search feature that will 1) search on the entirety of the Manuscript, and 2) search all of your world too. Simply use the "Search Manuscript & World" field at the top left to get started!
  • You can also export the entire Manuscript in a single document: click the name of the manuscript at the top left and use the export tab on the right. This will generate a simple html file with all chapters and scenes, which you can then convert into epub, mobi, or any other format.
  However, the third feature (autogenerating a table of contents based on the content you paste into manuscripts) is declined, as there isn't an industry-standard table of contents format. This means that Manuscripts has no way to guess how your other writing software has structured your chapters/scenes and, therefore, can't generate a table of contents based on that.   @willwritten, I see you have requested a feature in the comments too; please open your own feature request if you'd like us to consider it!
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44/300 Votes · +10803 points

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