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Article template (or new section?) for abilities

Content Addition · Articles & templates · Created by JeniferToksvig

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

There is currently no article template for describing specific abilities that might be found in multiple characters, eg: specific kinds of inate or learned magic, skillsets associated with professions, noteworthy physical attributes that enable specific abilities, forms of communication like sign language, and so on.   There also doesn't seem to be a section dedicated to this within any current template, which means the prose areas of a template have to be used to capture all the details of specific abilities for every individual character even if they are common to groups eg: particular races.  

How does this feature request address the current situation?

An article template designed for this purpose could be used to describe the details of that specific ability, eg: how psionics work for a certain race, giving all of the details so individual character template prose sections don't have to continuously repeat all those details.  

What are other uses for this feature request?

Having a template that is dedicated to abilities could allow for the capture of information such as distinguishing between inate, learned, and acquired abilities.

Follow up

Ref the comment about using the spells template for this: specific spells definitely need a template of their own, for granular details of broader systems. The systems would be listed as abilities. I also considered using 'condition' for abilities like psionics, but as per the comment here, things like neurodivergence... it all gets a bit weird and sticky. Having a template for things people have the ability to do seems as neutral a way to do this as possible. And following the social model of disability, calling something an ability would not make this section the opposite of character disability: using sign language, for example, is an ability I want to list for some of my characters.

The Team's Response

Thanks for the suggestion! We're working on a rework of the Spell template to better handle abilities. So keep an eye out for updates about this.   Regarding sign languages, the Language template can be used to describe any form of communication (and in any case, sign languages are regular languages, so it's what the template is explicitly designed for!). Then, in the Character article, you can use the "Known Languages" under the "Mental" tab (if you're using the expanded prompts) to mention the language abilities of that character and link to the relevant Language articles if needed.
Current score

31/300 Votes · +7301 points

Votes Cast

  • +300

    by aracondal
    on 2024-09-10 23:52
  • +100

    by SrSpaceCadet
    on 2024-09-09 06:49
  • +300

    by Willow H.R. Harper
    on 2024-09-06 15:32
    A spell/abilities template is definitely the best option.
  • +300

    by IBB
    on 2024-09-04 18:23
  • +300

    by Writing Bishop
    on 2024-09-03 04:14
  • +300

    by Jupiter Melichios
    on 2024-09-01 23:13
  • +100

    by LittleRaider
    on 2024-09-01 20:59
  • +300

    by valr-unda
    on 2024-09-01 16:20
  • +300

    by BenScerri
    on 2024-09-01 10:11
  • +300

    by Jdebro
    on 2024-09-01 07:22
  • +300

    by BlueDrag0n524
    on 2024-08-31 20:19
    I honestly love this idea tbh, I have a series that has all characters within have a certain set of powers and such, so something like this or an edited version of the spell template like others have suggested, would be quite great!
  • +100

    by bpivik
    on 2024-08-30 18:23
  • +100

    by Those2Nerds
    on 2024-08-30 15:38
    As others stated, rather than a new template, I'd prefer improving the Spell template to make it more supportive of non-magical Abilities. This might only need small updates to verbiage, such as changing "material components" to "items required", changing "gestures & rituals" to "process", maybe adding a related species... update the prompt descriptions to support both the magical and non-magical potential of the template, and the spell template becomes much more versatile.
  • +300

    by CrocOsnake
    on 2024-08-29 01:09
  • -100

    by cow2face
    on 2024-08-27 10:28
  • +100

    by Silenc3e3e
    on 2024-08-27 09:49
  • +300

    by A Glamorous Cthulhu
    on 2024-08-27 02:52
  • +300

    by Kittymonster
    on 2024-08-26 21:18
    Like already mentioned by some others, I think it'd be great if the Spell template could be broadened and made less specific.   Spell would fit better as a section of an ability (or similar generic name) template, similar to how person template has a section for deities and organization template has a section for nations.   This could also help open it up as a possible choice for challenges?
  • +300

    by PhntmDrgn
    on 2024-08-26 20:28
    I like the idea of enhancing the Spell template. Whether or not an ability is a magic spell, supernatural, psionic, superpower, mutation, cyborg implant, or just trained/mundane the majority of the information needed to describe it is basically the same. The main differences are the origin (how acquired) and the execution process. This type of info could be a simple drop down menu, that could be added to in the future when people think of other categories of abilitities.
  • +300

    by MatGun86
    on 2024-08-25 10:30
  • +100

    by Shirmanto B
    on 2024-08-25 07:33
  • +300

    by kaixabu
    on 2024-08-24 15:31
  • +1

    by WeStanNikolai
    on 2024-08-24 12:17
  • +100

    by KrissytheDragon
    on 2024-08-24 04:30
  • +300

    by World Smithy
    on 2024-08-23 18:57
  • +300

    by Rilameth
    on 2024-08-23 11:34
    I am broadly supportive of this (though, as WA is reluctant to make new templates, a tab section in Spells for Abilities would also work well), but I have one question: Doesn't sign language belong in the Language template, and get listed as one of the character's known languages?
  • +100

    by A Mischievous T-Rex
    on 2024-08-23 10:24
    Tweaking the spells template to work more broadly would be wonderful tbh. It's already labelled as being the go-to template for superpowers, but I find it very clunky for that since it's very much oriented towards using for magic/spells only. Broadening it to abilities in general, with a new section/tab (or multiple) would make it much more useful (in my opinion, anyway).
  • +300

    by Nubs
    on 2024-08-23 09:08
  • +300

    by Scalenex
    on 2024-08-23 03:22
  • +300

    by Mewdini
    on 2024-08-23 03:15
    This would be a great feature for creating fictional races. I say I have a "magic system" in my world, but the "magic" is racial traits/ abilities of my non-human races. For example, a race might be visually impaired, or maybe they have a better memory (compared to humans). I'm not a fan of calling varying "abilities" a magic system. I probably won't explain this perfectly, but if I were to give "magic" abilities to my human characters, much of their "magic" would be considered neurodiversity in our world.
  • +300

    by Ratha
    on 2024-08-23 01:36
    Everyone will say to just use the spells template for this, but abilities are not spells, so it makes sense to either make a new template, or to make a new tabbed section in the spells template, like in the organization or building templates.
  • +300

    by JeniferToksvig
    on 2024-08-22 21:46