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More automation on the Open Legend character sheet

Feature Upgrade · Statblocks management · Created by Wolfykins
open-legend character-sheet character-sheet-formula feature-improvement

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

  • The current Open Legend sheet does not calculate attribute or feat points based on level, exp or what's been spent.  It calculates HP for you based on attributes, so it's possible for there to be automated calculations on the character sheet, there just isn't enough of that.
  • It also doesn't automatically calculate what dice the attribute values get.  When dice are input and then used to roll, they don't account for dice explosions.  They just roll the dice a single time.
  • The sheets also lack dropdowns for feats and banes/boons, so users have to manually enter them and their cost, which requires a lot of tabbing back and forth for new players to look up what banes and boons and feats they can buy.

How does this feature request address the current situation?

  • Automatically calculating the costs of attributes and subtracting them from the total generated by the amount of exp would save users time and rescue them from having to do time-consuming math during the already time-consuming character creation process.  Other form-fill character sheets for Open Legend are able to do this, so it would be nice if World Anvil's could too.
  • The attribute values automatically generating the appopriate 1d20+(attribute dice) and rolling explosions that occur would be very helpful both during character creation and whenever exp is gained, as well as during play when people are rolling dice.  It would be much tidier on the dice log to have one entry showing the entire roll with explosions, rather than multiple entries where someone clicked to keep rolling when dice explode.
  • Having banes, boons and feats in drop-down menus on the sheet, filtered by what can be used based on the user's input attributes, would save time having to leave World Anvil to refer to another site.  It would also make it quicker and easier for users to know which feats, banes and boons they have available based on their attributes.

What are other uses for this feature request?

Honestly there probably aren't uses for a character sheet with built-in formulas that calculate stuff for you besides making said character sheet quicker and easier to build.  The only possible thing I could see this being used for in addition to the intended use is if the formulas are recycled for other character sheets that use similar systems.  I know there are other game systems out there with point-buy stats and exploding dice.     PS, I'd be willing to help make this happen by inputting feat/bane/boon costs and info if that would make this more doable for your small team.
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1/300 Votes · +400 points

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