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MP3 Player for Articles Hosted on Google Drive (Embedded)

Feature Upgrade · Articles & templates · Created by ReforgedLogic
Audio -google drive -Player Media Embed Emersion BBcode

We have tons of Audio options to embed from but many require a pay wall. I would love to just have my . mp3 file from google drive be embedded with a player that I can click play.



Well i use ElevenLabs to narrate NPCs or just world desriptions to emerse my players with life like vioces made by AI. I currently have to click the link load the mp3 on a different tabs and hit play. This isn't world endiing but can get cumbersume if you have alot of tabs open and would just be a nice feature to be on the article and hit play and the file plays from google drive without pulling up a new tab or even leaving the artical at all. Also being able to label these media players so i can organize the NPC scripts I have in the form of there .mp3 file.

Follow up

Here is the example of the link I want to change to a player embedded.   Example Audio From Drive
Current score

8/300 Votes · +1702 points

Votes Cast

  • +1

    by Those2Nerds
    on 2024-09-17 14:09
    You can already do this with an iframe statblock, but it can be finicky.
  • +1

    by Amancham
    on 2024-09-16 10:13
    as long as it's not autmatically playing music every time I visit a site, I'd be okay with this. Probably won't use it myself, but I can see the benefits in this context.
  • +100

    by PoppaeaSabina
    on 2024-09-16 07:23
  • +300

    by Kostaki80
    on 2024-09-14 04:09
  • +300

    by A Wild Hobbit
    on 2024-09-11 04:52
  • +300

    by Nubs
    on 2024-09-07 09:18
  • +300

    by DesNordlund
    on 2024-09-04 06:17
    I've missed this as well.   I'm using SoundCloud but since it does not work with private links I had to start an official account, and I can only have 30 min without paying. SoundCloud is meant for music, so I gain nothing more than space by paying.   We can upload images to WorldAnvil. Why not add the option to upload mp3 as well?
  • +100

    by kaixabu
    on 2024-09-03 15:25
  • +300

    by ReforgedLogic
    on 2024-09-03 04:22