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Add footnote, end note, and bibliography capabilities

New Feature Addition · Manuscripts · Created by A. Gamer

Adding footnote, endnote, and bibliography sections would signfiicantly empower writing manuscripts, sylistic options, and other capabilities for enriching manuscripts.

    These capabilties can be applied in mutliple ways, e.g.:  for someone writing fan fiction where you want to ensure continuity with canon (E.g., the Forgotten Realm's wiki), developing technical articles to enrich the community and allow someting aking to "peer review" of these articles to improve the community.   Thes features, e.g., in Word, allow building rich articles, chapters, etc., while maintaining "provenance," concurrently developing supporting documents (e.g., a glossary, notes on characters, or constructed languages vocabularies, etc.).  In addition, endnotes and footnotes in Word allow for focused editing.       Currently, the best analogue in World Anvil is using hyperlinks, but this does not allow exporting or consolidating developmental notes into one sesction as endnotes allow.  However World Anvil has other powerful features that are very valuable.  Adding endnotes, footnoes to WA would greatly expand an author's toolbox.   These features should be exportable and retainable when exporting to Word, and also allow importing from Word with minimal degradation.

The Team's Response

Thanks for the suggestion! This has been added to the plan for the next update to Manuscripts (don't expect it soon).
Current score

16/300 Votes · +2803 points

Votes Cast

  • +300

    by Kittymonster
    on 2024-06-23 08:20
  • +1

    by LittleSister
    on 2024-06-16 14:38
  • -300

    by SoulLink
    on 2024-06-15 17:27
    I think the capabilities with variables, anchors and links are enough. And using endnote wouldn't be particularly useful as it is a proprietary format. If anything it should be bibtex or similar.
  • +300

    by bphilippe
    on 2024-06-13 06:25
  • +300

    by Jupiter Melichios
    on 2024-06-12 03:12
  • +100

    by Victoria Bley
    on 2024-06-11 21:09
  • +300

    by HunterChristmas1247
    on 2024-06-11 17:47
    I love this!
  • +300

    by beebidon
    on 2024-06-11 17:42
  • +300

    by Alyvins
    on 2024-06-10 20:59
  • +1

    by WeStanNikolai
    on 2024-06-10 13:14
  • +1

    by Masha Medov
    on 2024-06-09 01:28
  • +300

    by maurasunshine
    on 2024-06-08 14:49
  • +300

    by FenixGraey
    on 2024-06-07 01:54
    That would be wonderful, even if it can't be as convenient as with Word. Having to do them manually would be annoying, but better than nothing.
  • +100

    by A Glamorous Dryad
    on 2024-06-06 23:24
  • +100

    by kaixabu
    on 2024-06-06 13:43
  • +100

    by DramaticDragons
    on 2024-06-05 15:38
  • +300

    by A. Gamer
    on 2024-06-05 12:55