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The Broken Company

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Dras
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Ahenz Chumessu
    The owner of the Midas Corporation, known as the woman who holds the purse-strings of nations. Though few know her true identity as a medusa, most know of her incredible influence.
  • Allistar Roth
    A very handsome and well-spoken Tiefling, who, despite his heritage, made it to a higher management position in the Midas Corporation. He is entrusted with assessing risks and security of many of the assists to the Midas Corporation.
  • Amrik Brigadine
    Though some would consider him handsome, his sinister smile belies his darker inclinations. Standing at 6 foot tall and normally armed to the teeth, he is a threatening figure. Though the most public of the Brigadine family, he shares the families penchant for disappearing problems.
  • Anders Stormwind
    A former veteran of the independence war for the Republic of Rye. He was always a follower of Illmater, but after the war he became a full cleric. Always seeking to help people, he finds himself involved in many adventures.
  • Paladin Andron Grudalia
    A once happy paladin hailing from the small city state of Grudalia. After his capture, he was moved to the a prisoner camp with many others. He led the prison escape and managed to get most of the Grudalians that were interred there free and alive. However, due to the location of the camp he opted to lead the escapees to the East rather then returning to back to Grudalia.
  • Calvin Merritt
    Calvin Merritt is an old chevalier who's experience and wisdom is a better tell of his true age. Though his life thus far has been fraught with danger, he has taken to retirement on his ranch.
  • Captain Xendros
    Captain Xendros is the leader of the Faithful Quartermasters of Iuz. Though she is demanding of her crew, she is often regarded as welcoming and an adamant professional to those who choose to do business with her
  • Carolius Rex
    Towering over most opponents on the battlefield, Carolius is a true force to be reckoned with.
  • Cutter
    A cunning and intelligent information gatherer. Currently on orders from Counsul Latricia as one of her information gatherers. He is unnaturally gifted in tracking and investigation and ruthlessly deadly to the enemies of the Republic.
  • Gaboury D'Valen
    A middle aged woman who has seen a hard life. After a string of terrible luck she was indentured into service for the Bragadine family.
  • Lady Ilgossi Arabelle
    The head of the druid circle that took over as the de facto leader of the Arabellian refugees. She quickly brought a savage recourse for all intruders that encroached on the woods that her elven people controlled.
  • Iuz
    The ruler of the country Iuz, he is a brutal tyrant that has subjugated most of his island. Recently, he has opened up trade routes to other nations, as the Lizardfolk uprising has pressed him for resources.
  • Counsul Larticia Megella
    One of the two Counsuls for the Republic of Rye. She cares deeply for the new found republic and has organized a robust intelligence gathering operation to keep an eye on the comings and goings of the new nation. She is a shrewd and intelligent woman
  • Lohik Van Brended
    A gnomish inventor who blurs the lines between insanity and genius. His exuberance and mannerisms are often too much for most people, a personality quirk he attributes to his flashes of brilliance.
  • Marc Jager
    Though blind, Marc Jager is a skilled fighter. He currently serves as Anhez's bodyguard, though he had previously left the Midas Corporation.
  • Ned "No Nose"
    The shady owner of The Gilded Lure. A shifty ne'er-do-well, he makes a hefty amount of coin though favors, information and other under handed means.
  • Counsul Reid Marco
    Reid Marco is one of the two sitting Counsuls for the Republic of Rye. He is a capable and exuberant leader that cares deeply for the people in the republic. Though his actions may seem brash or foolhardy, his decision making is very rarely without immense amount of weights and measures.
  • Shaleen DeRojos
    A utility engineer that was working to keep the sewers of Siang working. After discovering the Kobolds in the sewers, she became one of the primary liaisons with the Kobold working crews.
  • Tarma Halasan
    A tall and elegant elf, hailing from the distant lands of Iuz as a refugee. She and her husband have established the premier luxury inn in the city of Siang.
  • Tehana Clan Mirami
    Stubborn even by dwarven standards, Tehana is avery pragmatic and straightforward woman. Though she is often professional and even friendly to customers, her staff know better then to slouch while she is around.
  • Thurstwell Bragadine
    A much slighter man then his brother, Amrik, but by many accounts much smarter then him. He rarely is seen outside his family villa.
  • Yeverel Halasan
    A refugee from Iuz with his wife Tarna, he has done well to make a living for his family. His luxurious inn is known as a truly magical experience.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Mavine Darksong

Zook Timbers

Nadir Ika Drachendandion