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Descent into Avernus

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of faerun
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Supporting Cast
  • Gideon Lightward
    A preist of Lathandar in Elturel
  • Ontharr Frume Frume
    Ontharr was boisterous and gregarious to a fault. His dedication to heroic justice created a connection with Sir Isteval; however, Ontharr had difficulties linking the Isteval of legend to the real man in front of him
  • Reya Mantlemorn
    She was a dutiful soldier who held the Creed Resolute close to her heart. Reya was impassioned about her home city of Elturel, and did everything in her power to defend its people. A soldier for the Hellriders.
  • Thavius Kreeg
    a human priest of Torm and the ruler of the city of Elturel and the theocracy of Elturgard in the Western Heartlands in the late 15th century DR, holding the title of High Observer and later High Overseer. hailed as a hero for saving Elturel by beckoning the Companion
  • Duke Ulder Ravengard
    Ulder Ravengard was highly disciplined and precise in his actions, and possessed great martial acuity. Despite that, he did lack the sophistication and tact of other dukes. While acted the manner he always believed to be "good", he lost sight when it came to others who exhibited any sort of moral ambiguity.
Descent into Avernus is a 1-13 level adventure that takes place in Elturel, Baldurs Gate but primarily in the 1st plane of Hell, Avernus.   A thousand innocent souls will be consumed in hellfire, twisting them into Fiends to fuel the never ending blood war between devils and demons. these seemingly mundane few have taken it onto themselves to see a city of saints and sinners and deliver them from a perilous fate

This story is told by