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Session 1: The Mists of Barovia Report

General Summary

The party met on the Old Svalich Road after several of them were pulled into the realm by a mysterious mist. They were met by Aleksandra Kolyana, the daughter of the burgomaster of the Village of Barovia who wondered to the east gate, following some primal instinct. Along the way to the village, the party discovered the body of Dalvin Olensky, the blacksmith apprentice. In his hand was a crumpled up letter warning any travelers to turn away. Strahd's wolves seem to have gotten to him before he reached the gates.   When the party finally made it to the village they heard the wailing of a woman called Mad Mary calling out for her missing daughter.   Upon arriving at the Kolyanavich mansion, scarred by the nights horrors, the party discovered the burgomaster, Kolyan Indirovich lie dead. According to Ismark Kolyanavich, Aleksandra's brother, Strahd paid the family a visit earlier in the day looking for Aleksandra and scared him to death.   Ismark invited his sister's new companions to stay the night so that they may bury their father in the morning.

Character(s) interacted with

Ismark Kolyanavich
  Mad Mary

Curse of Strahd
Report Date
12 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Village of Barovia

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