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Session 2: Welcome to Barovia Report

General Summary

The morning after their arrival in Barovia, the party accompanied Ismark Kolyanavich and Aleksandra to the village chapel where they hoped to bury their father. They found the chapel priest Father Donavich, praying for the immortal soul of his son, Doru who has been turned into a vampire spawn by Strahd. The party buried Kolyan, and then went to the chapel undercroft where Doru has been locked away, to observe his condition. There they learned that Strahd seduced Doru and tricked him into entering Castle Ravenloft where he drained him of blood and turned him into an undead abomination. While Donavich continues to pray for a remedy to his son's condition, the party is acutely aware that there will be no recovery from what Strahd has done.
When the party returned to the chapel, they found Strahd himself waiting for them near the altar. He welcomed them to Barovia and expressed remorse over his part in Kolyan's death. He swore to Aleksandra that any pain he has caused her was unintentional, and he hoped he could make it up to her. Strahd then handed the party an invitation to dinner.
Donavich advised Aleksandra that the town of Vallaki would be her best chance of escaping Strahd's gaze, and though Ismark Kolyanavich agreed, Aleksandra and the party decided they would answer Strahd's invitation.
Along the road to Vallaki and Castle Ravenloft, the party came across an encampment of Vistani and had their fortunes read by Madam Eva using her tarroka deck. Her fortune was thus:

  • This card tells of history. Knowledge of the ancient will help you better understand your enemy. The Torturer - There is a town where all is not well. There you will find a house of corruption, and within, a dark room full of still ghosts.

  • This card tells of a powerful force for good and protection, a holy symbol of great hope. The Master of Coins - I see a nest of ravens. There you will find the prize.

  • This is a card of power and strength. It tells of a weapon of vengeance: a sword of sunlight. The Avenger - The treasure lies in a dragon's house, in hands once clean and now corrupted.

  • This card sheds light on one who will help you greatly in the battle against darkness. The Mists - A Vistana wanders this land alone, searching for her mentor. She does not stay in one place for long. Seek her out at the Abbey of Saint Andral, near the mists.

  • Your enemy is a creature of darkness, whose powers are beyond mortality. This card will lead you to him! The Artifact - He lurks in the darkness where the morning light once shone—a sacred place.
  • Character(s) interacted with

    Father Donovich 
    Ismark Kolyanavich 
    Madam Eva 
    Strahd von Zarovich

    Curse of Strahd
    Report Date
    13 Aug 2021
    Primary Location
    Old Svalich Road

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