Trail of the Apprentice Season 1 Episode 1 Game Session 1: Attack on Corbin Village Report

General Summary

While in the Stone's Ordinary, the village tavern, orcs attack the village of Corbin in mid morning shortly after local breakfast. Sporadically springing into action, the heroes engaged, defeated an isolated a group of orc bandits who had targeted the weapon shop prior to the rest of the raiding party withdrawing from the town. Thus taking all of their booty with them in tow. The heroes are approached and asked to track down the bandits as well as putting a stop to any further raids (Is it implied to destroy the beast or simply make them disappear from the area? FIND OUT in Session 2: Tracking the Bandits). 
  The local sage, Ithamar Ruggles, also asks them to recover the Green Serpent, a rare statue that was taken from his house amongst all his things.

Rewards Granted

5 Healing Potions Lerric cut a bargain with the local Blacksmith on a weapons exchange Promises of Gold from the village mayor but through the sheriff's office

Wonderland Adventures
Report Date
03 Oct 2021

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