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Ossetis: The Rise of The Heat

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Ossetis
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Supporting Cast
  • Black Shiv
    A highly stealthy
  • Littlepine
    A young adult goblin. She keeps to herself or usually sticks pretty close to Asta. Is a hopeful little tinker,
  • Misery Xarcius Banstion
    A dastardly good looking man, don't let the name fool you. He makes a mean drink.

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 20th October 2019 11:00

Session 0

Getting to grip, figuring out my kinks.

Across the land, nature is in turmoil. Forest fire run rampant across the continents, grasslands have been charred and are now empty wastelands and deserts in the north. Persistant rains flood the land in the south, the coast line is being taken over by ice. Unsure of the cause, people are in fear and look to the Gods to help now

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Locke MacBhradain