x-today's session notes 7/2

General Summary

1. **Date/Time:** [Insert Date/Time] 2. **Session Number:** [Insert Session Number] 3. **Game Master:** [Insert Game Master Name] 4. **Player & Character:**

  • [Player 1]: [Character Name]
  • [Player 2]: [Character Name]
  • [Player 3]: [Character Name]
  • [Player 4]: [Character Name]
  • 5. **Starting Location:** Goblin-infested cave 6. **Final Location:** Phandalin 7. **Current Quest:** Rescuing Sildar and eliminating goblin threat 8. **Open Quests:** None 9. **Major Story Events:**
  • The party successfully navigated the goblin-infested cave and rescued Sildar.
  • Interrogated a captured goblin, revealing a secret passage behind the wolf kennel.
  • Engaged in combat with the goblin leader, Yeemik, and emerged victorious.
  • Captured additional goblins and left them in Sildar's care.
  • Obtained information about the whereabouts of Klarg, the bugbear leader.
  • Dealt with remaining threats and eliminated the goblin presence.
  • Established rapport with Ripper, one of the wolves, through Animal Handling.
  • Negotiated with the remaining goblins in the Twin Pools room, convincing them to surrender.
  • Discovered stolen supplies marked with the symbol of the Lionshield Coster.
  • Found a hidden stash behind the waterfall containing ancient scrolls, gemstones, and an enchanted amulet.
  • Accepted Sildar's offer to escort him back to Phandalin.
  • 10. **NPC Encountered:** Sildar, Yeemik, King Grol 11. **Monster Encountered:** Goblins, wolves 12. **Combat Encounters Summary:**
  • Goblin leader Yeemik defeated
  • Remaining threats in the cave eliminated
  • 13. **Monster Count (Killed, Nonviolently Resolved, Total Resolved):**
  • Killed: [Number]
  • Nonviolently Resolved: [Number]
  • Total Resolved: [Number]
  • 14. **New Locations Identified:** Twin Pools room, Klarg's room, waterfall stash 15. **New Quests:**
  • Quest Giver: None
  • Location: None
  • Reward: None
  • 16. **Treasure Recovered:** Stolen supplies, gemstones, enchanted amulet 17. **Items Bought:** None 18. **Items Sold:** None 19. **Items Found:** Ancient scrolls, gemstones, enchanted amulet 20. **Player Achievements:** Successful rescue of Sildar, negotiation with goblins, discovery of hidden stash 21. **Roleplaying Highlights:** Establishing rapport with Ripper, negotiation with remaining goblins 22. **Noteworthy Rolls:** None 23. **Party Resources:** None 24. **Key Themes or Motifs:** None 25. **Player Feedback:** None 26. **Notes and Reflections:** [Insert any additional notes or reflections here]   Please insert the specific details like the date/time, session number, player names, and any other relevant information into the template. This will give you a comprehensive session summary to record on WorldAnvil.

    The Lost Mines of Phandelver
    Report Date
    02 Jul 2023
    Primary Location
    x-North Sword Coast

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