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Glory: The Return of Anima

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Corrane
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Supporting Cast
  • Archmage Demiterious Ashen
    Demetri Ashen, or better known as Demiterious (Demi-Terri-Us) was an archmage nearly 1,000 years ago. Having been host to a body that accumulated magic within itself, he used it for the betterment of himself. Seeking the knowledge to control others, Demetri cast away his mortal shell in favor of splicing his own magical abilities with that of his captive servants, Devils. Stripping them of their true names and powers, he would graft their essence into his own and turn himself more devilish by the day. However, this all came to an abrupt end when his assistant/lover Ava Dessari killed him when he was attempt another devil summoning. Using a specialized knife/crystal combination that Demetri had fashioned to suck the essence out of the Devils, she not only slain Demetri but stripped him of all his magical powers as well. Demetri's soul swam through the aetherial for years until it was summoned by a young enslaved tiefling named Khemikelle Ashen who possessed some raw magical talent. However, when Demetri was summoned from the Aetherial, he was formed into a large black raven. Having been merged with the characteristics of the bird he embodied, Demetri's mind was altered into embellishment and elegance along with being stuck up and favoring shiny materials. However, this had all changed when Demetri met a young teenage girl who befriended Zanna Ashen, his apprentice and Khemikelle's daughter. Demetri soon found out that this girl, Paige, was actually the reincarnation of Ava who had killed him. Demetri assisted Paige in removing the powerful sorceress Ava from her essence, which Demetri only did by giving up all the magical abilities that were stolen from Ava, to save Paige's life, thus ending his quest to retrieve his powers and his true body. Demetri now runs the Minds Eye Academy alongside his wife, Paige after the events of the Rikar Uprising.
  • Ella Aardef
    Ella is an oprative for the Purveyor's and has been the contact for Elektra Dekross.
  • Captain Jericho Sabetha
    Leader of the Leviathan Transport Company, Jericho Sabetha is a ruthless pirate lord who rules over the seas around Cerulia. His vast empire spreads through various ships and most of the time, he honors his deals if he feels they are true. As a leader of the LTC, he also takes on apprenticeships from young charges who wish to join one of the guilds. Although his methods are not fair, he brings forth a comradery unlike any other on the high seas. Jericho is married to his 2nd in command, Aurora. Jericho allows the man known as Rahvowen to run his company when he takes time off.
  • Prince Kadoh Dekross
    "If one would strive for greatness, what would they achieve in the end is a failure. Greatness comes from helping others, not helping one's self." ~ Kadoh. Kadoh Dekross started his life out unlike most. At a very young age, he was sold from his impoverished family for what few coins the scrawn, a sickly child could go for. Sold into slavery, Kadoh was raped by his new owner and sold to whoever could afford a child, which was many. Through his years, Kadoh learned that these feelings people had were base desires and that everyone had them, so instead of fearing what was happening, he embraced it and allowed it to mold him into something beyond a child. Sculpting himself to perfect the craft he was forced into, he turned it around and even earned his freedom, in short. Kadoh was soon bought out near his adulthood by a pair of women who were mother and daughter. Brought into their home, he was given the choice to be devoured by their tiger or by them. Choosing the later, Kadoh was then transformed into a creature of the night. After years of breaking free and traveling on his own, Kadoh had come to worship the form of knowledge and sought out what he could get his hands on. Developing a religion all his own based on the ideas of what he witnessed, The Makers gave Kadoh a new form of life to which he gave to others in the form of guidance and instruction. One such person is a female known as Dysis Darkchild whose troubled life began before she ever met Kadoh. Now, a 'Prince' of Manmoth city, Kadoh rules over what he calls 'Empire City' as the true governing force. His wisdom which extends beyond his years of being a vampire has brought prosperity to the city. Forming various foundations and outreach programs, he has settled the quells of many of the gangs by offering blood bank donations in order to keep the streets clean. A family man at heart and a businessman second, Kadoh is often with his family and guiding them when not with his wife or children. Kadoh is a Tremere vampire, a blood sorcerer.
  • Mayor of Rikar Khemikelle Ashen
    Khemikelle Ashen is the current Mayor of Rikar, assigned by King Douglas Cerulia himself after the Rikar Uprising. Khemikelle Ashen is a married man with two children, Zanna Summerhold and Erin Ashen. His wife, Eryna is a healer with the Healers Guild who once was Khemikelle's subordinate when he ran Rosewood Tavern and the Rikar Wolves. Demetri Ashen is Khemikelle's familiar. Faction: Rikar Wolves Guild (Former Leader) Khemikelle is praised by the community as a voice for the commoner and is backed by the populace of Rikar.
  • Koan Yutzamatti
    Aliases: Genji, Amada, Quill. Age: 326. Gender: Male (Unknown) Arcana: Water. Species: Kitsune (Spiritual) Origin: Spirit World. Occupation: kensai - Wandering Healer. Koan is a Kitsune of legend, a former spirit who left the spiritual world of Kitsune to enter the mortal realm and take claim to those who ascended to the rank of Nine Tail. However, his progression was halted when he found friends in the most unlikely of places. Koan speaks with a deep, resonating voice even though he stands under six feet. He rarely shows his fox ears and tails, instead, he walks around in his human visage of a red-headed samurai who wields two swords. Star Stealing Sage: His main weapon, the katana, is a legendary artifact that actually ignores AC to directly hit his enemy. Whispering Ore: His secondary weapon, the wakizashi, is a legendary artifact that steals 1d6+2 spell slots from his enemies on a hit. Small clay jug: It appears to be an ordinary clay jug, but when in the hands of Koan, it is an endless decanter of water that also adds healing magic to those that it touches. (Acts as a Staff of Healing) Koan's Quirks: 1. Koan speaks with a deep voice that seems menacing, he can't convey tone well 2. Koan is always with his weapons. 3. Koan, who is a water elemental kitsune, never closes doors, no matter where or with whomever. It alters the flow of water. 4. Koan at times get distracted by 'The Wind' as if listening to it give him directions. Legacy Bonus! Descendants of Koan get these additional features. Proficiency in Medicine (Expertise if already proficient) Evocation Magic (Healing only) spells are treated as if having Disciple of Life Cleric Life Domain Feature. Healing Spells are more effective. Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore Hit Points to a creature, the creature regains additional Hit Points equal to 2 + the spell’s level. Ball of Light: You have the ability to make a magical, fox fireball that you can manipulate and play with. It sheds light in a 2ft radius.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Elektra Dekross

Level 6 Empathic Vampire True Neutral Bard / Rogue
47 / 47 HP

Haliax Stormblessed

Duragus Synclair

Level 6 Shifter N Barbarian
(Feral Born Prince)
/ HP

Maltas Derivian

Sakura Ito

Riesa Featherlight

Level 6 Aasimar Good Artificer
(Father's Prodigy)
39 / 39 HP

Beast of Prey That