Session 1: An Important Mission Report

General Summary

The three rangers and the monk moved directly south through the dense trees towards Starfall lake. Lyssa pressed them to move quickly. She seemed somewhat desperate to ensure the success of their mission. Oso appreciated her focus but wished she was a more calm, thoughtful leader. As he watched her command her men he could not help but think that she would never tolerate life in a monastery.   She had requested to some day join his order but it was clear that at this point in her life she was ill suited to such devotion and discipline. The monk watched her issue commands to her two scouts and press them hard through the forest. Lyssa was the sort of person who would never tolerate defeat nor accept that there is wisdom and knowledge to be had in failure. It became clear to Oso that while Lyssa was certainly a capable leader, she was not centered and lacked the inner serenity needed to join the Order of the Oaken Branch.   Still, he liked the young woman. He also appreciated that the rangers had given him a unique way to contribute against the threat to the forest and his monastery.   After a relatively uneventful week trekking through the forest, the group left central part of Darkwood Forest. Other ranger scouts had cleared the way for them but now they were on their own. The nature of the woods around them quickly changed. It felt grim, depressing and hostile. The air hung thick and there was a constant light mist. The sun could not penetrate the dense foliage and the four were quickly damp and uncomfortable.   This part of Darkwood was known to be filled with dangerous creatures and the few commoners who lived here were on constant guard against all manner of threats.   The next day, Lyssa announced that they had entered the eastern edge of something called the Western Founding. She acted as if Oso should know what this meant. The monk simply nodded.   Sensing that Oso was unfamiliar with these lands Septum spoke for the first time in many days. “Many Rangers had met their end in this part of the forest. Many campaigns to pacify this region have failed. Only the strongest among us act as wardens in this area. The few people who live here are a hardy lot. They often come to know great loss. We must now be very cautious.”   Again, Oso simply nodded. After a few minutes he looked at Septum and asked “Why would anyone choose to live here if it’s so dangerous?”   The ranger looked at the monk with a sad smile. “They are here because the kingdom is not. They are here to live free and not be subject to kingdom rule. The deeper they live within Darkwood Forest, the lower the likelihood that the kingdom will find them.”   “I understand. In my youth I fled from the land and found safety in a monastery. If not for the monks the local baron would likely have imprisoned me or worse.” Oso paused for a moment considering. “This is their refuge just as the monastery was mine. “   Septum snorts. “The local barons never bother with commoners. Magistrates or perhaps church officials handle such things. Either way, they find a way to punish those below them, crushing them under their boot. It is the justice of tyrants.“   To this Oso says nothing and Septum is satisfied with the silence.   When they made camp that night both Septum and Laird engaged in conversation while Lyssa took the first watch. Oso kept to himself. Game was scarce and the snares only brought two rabbits to the fire. It was a small meal but the meat was welcome.   As they ate the conversation between Septum and Laird became a little heated. It was clear that Septum did not think much of their mission.   “The lizard kin are a barbaric lot. South of Starfall they feast on human flesh and are even said to eat their own. We are fools to try and bring them to our cause. Even if these reed folk are supposed to be more civilized, they aren’t the sort of allies we need.“ Oso realized that Septum was angry. He kept his emotions in check but it was evident in his voice.   Laird was of a different mind. “Better they work with us than against us in service of the lich. Even if they do not join us we can warn them. I’ve learned some of their language. With Oso’s help we can earn the right to talk to their leaders at least give them a chance.”   The young ranger was full of hope. He saw potential in this mission. He was clearly proud to be here.   Septum pondered this for a moment. “And what if he fails? What if they rip him apart?” pointing a meaty rabbit bone at Oso as if the monk could not hear them. “They are all teeth and claws. He can fight well enough but these are animals. It will be like fisticuffs with a Darkwood grizzly!”   Oso smiled and joined the conversation briefly. “One does not need to fight a grizzly if you know what it wants and needs. You simply must respect those things and provide options other than direct conflict. I will participate in ritual combat, true but this is not fighting. It is communicating. There is a difference.“   Septum considered this and responded curtly “Perhaps monk. You could be right. “   It was clear he wasn’t convinced. Laird looked at the monk and nodded. It was clear he had great respect for Oso’s calm disposition and outlook on life.   In the morning Septum woke the group up after finishing the last watch.   Oso was already awake meditating as the sun rose and struggled to break through the dense foliage above. There was dew on his cloak and it was clear he had been sitting and meditating for several hours.   “Snap out of it monk, we have a problem.“   Septum was clearly agitated, standing ready with his longsword and shield. “I could sense several creatures close to the camp a few hours ago. They were probing us. None came near enough to be a threat but they are out there.”   Lyssa seemed calm. “That’s not uncommon in the Founding. We will need to move slowly today and send a scout ahead to watch carefully for potential threats. “   Septum nodded and prepared to move out.   “No not you Septum. Your heavy armor will slow you down and make it difficult for you to move quietly through the forest.” Lyssa put her hand on Septum’s arm suggesting he stand down.   The ranger simply shrugged “Perhaps but if anything gets the jump on me they will have to penetrate my steel mail armor to do me any harm. No easy task for crazed woodland beasts.”   “It should be me Pathfinder.” Laird said, referring to Lyssa by her new title granted to her by the Darkwood Rangers. “You are the mission leader and should not risk yourself. Besides I’m in light armor and have studied these woods. I’ll be fine.”   Septum walked over to Laird and put both his hands on the young rangers shoulders. “I respect your confidence Laird but study only takes you so far. I’ve been in these woods. Your time will come. You have great potential but you must be patient and hone your skills.”   Laird seemed to take offense by this and pushed Septum away, stepping past him and pointing at Lyssa. “I think this is for her to decide.”   Both rangers looked to Lyssa. Oso remained silent as this was not his concern.   “Laird you will go.” Lyssa stated after some thought. She looked at the young ranger reassuringly “Trust your training. Be cautious. Take no risks. Stay within thrice bowshot as you’ve been instructed on other scouting missions. “   The young runner was pleased and prepared to move out. Septum patted him on the back and said “Fine. Off you go then. Don’t let the wood nymphs get you!”   Laird’s eyes went wide at first until he realized the older ranger was simply joking. “No worries Septum, the wood nymphs wouldn’t be able to tempt me easily.” Winking with longbow in hand, Laird left the camp and moved south through the forest with quiet agility.   Oso gathered some berries from a nearby plant as Septum watched. The ranger nodded approvingly. “Edible, but if you eat too many you will crap your pants all day long. Best consumed as a light tea without the skin.” Oso smiled popping a few in his mouth and put the rest in the pouch by his belt. He was careful to spit out the skins of the berries and only consume a few. It was clear that the rangers had accepted him despite his deformity and while usually he didn’t care about such things in this case it gave him comfort. He liked these woodland warriors.   Lyssa makes it known that she intends to follow closely behind Laird and quickly disperses and conceals evidence of their campsite. Within a few minutes the three begin shadowing Laird who had moved south deeper into the forest and was no longer visible. The pace was slow and cautious. Lyssa had her bow at the ready and Septum’s sword was loose in its scabbard. After an hour or so it seemed that whatever had probed them in the night had moved on and everyone visibly relaxed.   It was Oso who first heard the odd noise - a faint thump of wood against wood coming from the south. He was about to quietly say something to Lyssa when a second, much louder thump sounded through the forest.   Lyssa and Septum immediately reacted by readying their weapons, dropping down to a crouch and seeking cover.   “Not a bowshot. Something else.. “ Septum whispered and Lyssa nodded agreement.   Oso stood calmly on his feet waiting and listening. He had instinctively placed a large tree between himself and the sound. He knew he was concealed.   When the noise did not repeat Lyssa gave Septum several hand signals and the ranger nodded then quickly advanced forward moving as quietly as possible. His chain armor was padded against noise but he was not nearly as quiet as Oso. The monk knew to advance to the right of the scout but kept some distance between them so that if Septum was detected it would not reveal the monk’s location as well. Lyssa moved off silently to the left with her bow at the ready.   Within a few minutes they reached the approximate spot where the sound had come from. Lyssa gave the signal to remain in place and both Septum and Oso crouched down so they had some cover. Lyssa then proceeded in a circular search pattern around this spot moving carefully while Oso and Septum watched for threats. Twenty feet further south the pathfinder stopped and motioned for them to join her.   The leaves on the forest floor at her feet are covered with blood. Laird’s bow is nearby broken in half with the string still attached. As Septum bends down to recover the string he growls lowly, “The lad is tough. There isn’t much blood so he could still be alive. We need to move. “   Lyssa simply nods and moves out following a faint blood trail. Oso and Septum follow close behind. The underbrush is dense and they are all forced to move slowly to avoid making noise.  

Laird Character Side Story: Scouting Darkwood

Laird was happy to be given this responsibility but he was also nervous. The young ranger had passed all of his training but the stories about this part of the forest were troubling. He had studied reports from other rangers from this area - Weaponmaster Galt made sure that every ranger did. Decades earlier, two legendary rangers from the Merik family died here fighting giants near the mountains. Every ranger knows about their story and Laird had no intention of meeting his end in this horrible place.   The fact that something approached their camp at night was not overly concerning. Often curious animals would approach and it wasn’t something that was unexpected. Still it was good to be cautious. Laird proceeded quickly and quietly, scouting the forest along their route in a sporadic zig-zag pattern. He was also careful to leave minimal evidence of his passing.   An hour or so into his scouting he notices something troubling. It looks like animal scat but it was not like any he has ever seen before. The ranger drops down to one knee with his bow out cautiously and looks around the forest. There is nothing nearby and it doesn’t appear that the scat is that fresh. He stands back up, takes out his notepad and quickly draws the droppings. Next to the drawing, Laird makes notes about the placement of leaves, foliage and dirt around it. The money changer he apprenticed under always made him keep meticulous notes and this habit had served him well in his training.   Putting his notepad away he moved forward looking around the ground for more signs of this strange new animal. He didn’t think it was a threat but he couldn't be sure. The ranger is distracted looking for signs of this animal and almost misses the sound of branches snapping nearby. Instantly he remembers his training and drops low again with his longbow at the ready. He reaches into his quiver and takes out a long, straight arrow, puts it on the string and scans around for potential threats.   The young ranger is not without skill. Within seconds he sees movement and prepare to fire but then relaxes when he realizes it’s simply a pair of birds turning over old leaves on the forest floor 100 feet away.   Laird stands up and relaxes lowering his bow. At this exact moment a massive figure in the tree above him jumps down and crushes the young ranger to the ground. Laird feels a wave of pain and hears the sound of his bow breaking as something massive crashes into him.   The last thing he thinks before he is struck a second time: “I should have looked up. Why didn’t I look up?”   Everything fades to black.

Missions/Quests Completed

The group moves south through Darkwood Forest.

An Alliance Forged in Blood
Report Date
02 Mar 2020
Primary Location
Darkwood Forest

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