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Trek of the Dales

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Techno's Toril Tales
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A Hybridly ran D&D 5e adventure with friends.   For a couple years now, Icewind Dale has been under the effects of something known by the locals as "Auril's Everlasting Rime" triggered by the nightly aurora that appears over the Spine of the World, the mountain that divides the Dales from the Sword Coast. Auril is the Faerunian Goddess of Winter and Death (once upon a time) and since the Everlasting Rime has started, she has been ensuring that this aurora, magical despite it's natural majesty, would rise each evening. The Rime is Winter, cold, harsh, exacting, and night, everlasting. Never more than dim light while in the Dales - roughly four hours each night, the aurora is up, as if twilight, else the darkness pervades.

This story is told by

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The Protagonists

Zaruna Blackfeather
