Session 27 Report
General Summary
Sneak away from burning office Severin giving speeches in city square, indoctrinating people Refugees and homeless are being enlisted to Inquisition with promise of food, shelter, and pay Severin turns speech to make enemies out of former Ostren allies and calls for people to put aside old hatreds of Genos. Then announces some enemies closer to home-- describing three individuals who recently stole a holy artifact from the Church and struck Church officials. The artist rendition on the posters being handed out look incredibly like Valqinor and Big Richard, though the third larger figure depicted with them is too shrouded in darkness beneath his hood to properly be recognized as Lephnut. Report to Eight who pays them Likens his jobs as a man throwing rocks down a mountain. Sometimes that rock goes on to hit other rocks and soon enough cause an avalanche. They meet Leila Lightfoot, who is alone on her large ship. After using the horn of silent alarm to call to her, she reluctantly allows them onboard to talk, and after being given the deed to the house, pledges to do whatever to repay the party. Big Richard marches downstairs to find a room to dose on bloodsand. Barging into the nearest room, he finds a woman and a boy, who are surprised.