Session 2: Finding the Father Report

General Summary

The Claw continued their discussion with the dragon turtle, Skorjira, and the sahuagin. They learned that Skorjira, the wyrmling, is the son of Dragon Lord Gammoranth, who rules the seas and islands. The sahuagin served as his honor guard but were under the sea hag's influence, stealing from the wrecked ship at her command. The sea hag enticed Skorjira with the treasures inside the lighthouse, but the complete truth remained elusive. The sahuagin invoked Clan Law 34 for the ransom of prisoners, offering a bauble for their freedom. Nyxek decided that if the lighthouse contained treasure, the Claw would claim their ransom from the spoils.

Searching the sea hag's body revealed two pieces of contraband: Ursula's necklace from Ariel's voice in "The Little Mermaid" and a cracked spyglass acting as a periscope into the plane of water. Tad took the necklace, while Nyxek pocketed the spyglass. The sea hag wore the immaculately clean uniform of the captain of Endpoint Island.

Entering the lighthouse, dim and filled with slain soldiers' corpses, Nyxek investigated barrels that turned out to be mimics. The battle was swift, with Nyxek distracting two mimics using summoned food. A larger table mimic engaged Vutha and Tad. Though Vutha threatened the sahuagin outside, Nyxek calmed him after slaying the larger mimic, revealing it as a treasure pinata. The two distracted mimics yielded gems for Vutha and an acid-resistant dragon glass sword for Kal.

Moving to the second floor, the Claw encountered headless corpses and office paperwork. Heads with bat wings nesting in the rafters attacked, causing Vutha to enter a fugue state. Nyxek rebuked the undead with a word of Truth, and the Claw defeated the varguille and zombies. The room's records revealed contraband and strange fallacy magic markings.

Tad used magic to conceal the Claw's presence as they ascended to the top. Abominations stitched from scale folk remnants were ambushed and destroyed. The top floor, a barracks, held little but blood-splattered beds turned into an alchemical testing and surgical site for creating the stitched horrors. Treasure, including a staff of the adder, was found under a mimic. The Claw returned outside to confront Skorjira, who knew nothing about the lighthouse's contents.

Nyxek recognized a corpse inside as Endpoint Island's former captain, Greenscale. Questioning Skorjira revealed no answers. Skorjira mentioned his father's annual inspection the next day, inviting the Claw to stay. Nyxek agreed, signaling Redoubt for an overnight stay. The sahuagin helped load contraband onto the Claw's ship, taking 1700gp for ransom from non-contraband gold. Nyxek ordered Vutha to take a hand from the hag and hide a stitched corpse as proof.

The next morning, they sailed to Gammoranth's shell island, where the Claw met the Voice of Gammoranth. Nyxek reported the lighthouse's truth. The Voice seized contraband, thanked the Claw for saving Skorjira, approved the ransom, and offered Nyxek captaincy of Endpoint Island. Nyxek accepted, realizing the Voice's belt decoration was the confiscated contraband wrench.

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