Short Straws Session 13 Report

General Summary

Plot Armor's Log

Some brigands were terrorizing the ponies of Redcliff. A griffon knight was griffoning the townsponies out of their money while not actually apprehending the brigands. He revealed to us that he was actually a werewolf and requested that we cure him. Snake Oil and I were like, "Of course. We understand the gravity of the situation and what you are asking us to do."   But Silver Wing and Cecile my queen had some dumb idea about finding a plant that wasn't actually going to work to cure him, so we went and fought a werewolf in the forest and got the plant. But Nessy got bitten by the werewolf and I was just like I took Nessy to Dying 4 before they stopped me and revived her.

The Short Straws

Cool Esper

Level .
Report Date
15 Oct 2022

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