Short Straws Session 7 Report

General Summary

Vitore's Log

  >be me, catbird cock extraordinare 
>currently held up who knows where with stout piss enthusiast
>not sure where my scorpy fren is
>nor the others for that matter

>be me yesterday
>be not me resenting winged horse, background batstallion, distant noblemare and stout piss enthusiast
>exit pink mare's secret cool chicks club to pass the day and later figure out how to get gem
>pass by shop at night to find stylish corduroy Bannermane(TM) guard sitting by
>try to ask questions but all he says is classified
>promptly get back to saloon where the moustache horse tries to make me pay for silly bed taxes
>unwilling to pay unless they can accomodate my scorpy fren
>my stunning and brave charisma forces him to back off and instead have the noblemare pay
>sleep until morning

>breakfast with bestie, although some seemed rather interested judging by the looks
>pay them no mind since anyone is allowed to pet scorpy fren if they wish
>suddenly, newspaper tells us gem was taken
>after some paranoid ramblings from the hatted equine, we decide to check the scene out
>quickly find pink mare all messy and tired, probably due to poor sleeping habits or all that adventuring she does at night
>quickly speak to striped mare and inspect the crime scene
>after staving off the bullying from the angry saleshorse, eventually realize the corduroy bois have it
>meet them proper and after some talking agree to either get corduroy for scorpy or make a job at night
>foolishly ask the gem maker about it
>hastily retreat with spaghetti coursing out my cloak
>eventually decide to preach about the value of corn-made cloth and gain some copper

>night comes
>high ranking corduroy guy tries giving us pants and paint to mess up Flat's shack
>angry saleshorse instead berates him
>try our best, even manage to take half of them down, but needle made me pass out

The Short Straws

Lavender Light

Level 1 Cleric.
Report Date
05 Jun 2022

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