Short Straws Session 21 Report

General Summary

Silver Wing's Diary

Date unknown. Remember that if you the reader are not Silver Wing then close this journal and mind your own business. Unless I have died. Then feel free to read and see what I think of you. Anyway it has been awhile since I've written anything down here. At least I haven't since my accursed transformation into this damn flightless bird. Those rotten witches, we would have certainly killed them if not for my bad luck which forced the party to strike a deal on my behalf. Regardless, that was some time ago. We've been hunted by the viscount's forces for days now, they seem obsessed with Cecile for some reason ever since she obtained that magic sword. I recall one of them mentioning something about a prophecy, but I can't remember the details of it. Something about fools which is an apt descriptor of our party. It seems crazy that some gryphon superstition is causing us all of this trouble.   When we first arrived in Somberdale we rescued Iron Scythe, a pony we had met back in Kalidai, and who is obsessed with Cecile. We also had to rescue Jellycap and Cool Esper from being hanged by the guards since they had moronically stayed on the train. This made the guards lock down the entire town and led to us meeting a representative of the Threadrippers who sent us to rescue his companions from the town's jail. It went smoothly at first, until a gunshot and a shout alerted every guard in that damned jail. It almost turned into a disaster, several of us, including the pony we were supposed to save, nearly died. Interestingly enough the warden of the prison was undead and made reference to the viscount promising him power. There was also an odd cleric in the service of the guards who seemed aware of the warden's condition. This does seem to confirm that the viscount does work with darker magics. Is he a necromancer of some kind? He's more than just some typical noble for sure. Considering all of the trouble he's caused us I wouldn't mind seeing him dead. There seems to be a small rebellion forming against him and it's using that weird cool S as a symbol. Evidently some see us so-called Shortstraws as heroes which is rather absurd.   Now we're in a tunnel leading out of the town filled with some sort of fungus that steals memories. Apparently if you eat the mushrooms they show you things but I'd rather not risk that at this time. Some of the more mentally challenged members of our party are partaking in them though, and ranting nonsense. I feel like me, Cecile, and Snake Oil are the only ones with our wits about us most of the time. Although Snake Oil's only concern seems to be hoarding wealth and getting out of these lands. I'm sure he has kept an oversized portion of the gold and other coins we've obtained to himself. Harder to prove though.   I must admit I am increasingly frustrated with my flightless aquatic bird form. There is a lot I missed about being a leatherwing it turns out. I should have insisted we see that other coven of witches but I agreed to continue to Wallowdale under the idea that it was more critical to help Cool Esper with whatever crazy voices are in his head. Is he cursed or just insane? Would getting rid of the voices fix his awful judgment? I'm very much doubting that this entire effort to cure him is worth it especially since the viscount is doing his best to make our travels impossible. I don't know much about these Threadrippers other than the fact that they were willing to help us and seem to dislike the Bannermanes although that really isn't my concern at the moment. Do they want the viscount gone? Why do they care about what's going on in these gryphon controlled lands?   My thoughts turn to the gryphon knight we first met back in Redcliff, I hope he escaped when we got the key to him. I wish we had done more back there, but perhaps it was an unwinnable situation for us at that outpost. Maybe our paths will cross again, he seems to have more motive to dispose of the viscount than anyone. It was also him who led Cecile to that sword the viscount fears. I have my doubts he'd approve of the methods of these Threadrippers however.   None of this is what I imagined when I first left home seeking adventure and fame, I wonder what my parents would think? Would they even care? Maybe I can turn things around. After we are out of our present situation I am going to have to insist we find another witch coven who can turn me back into who I once was. I feel like I've done enough where my companions owe me that at least. I'll never become powerful waddling along with these ridiculous flippers, stabbing at the legs of creatures huge in size compared to me. Both the viscount's forces and these Threadrippers seem to think I am some mere familiar, it's rather offending to be honest. Perhaps I am slightly jealous of all of the renown that Cecile has gained.   Then what? Maybe we should commit to fighting this viscount. Even if you ignore what an awful creature this viscount is there could be power and wealth to be gained disposing of him. But maybe these Threadrippers have other plans for us. Or are they just some gang of thugs looking for recruits? If they're something greater maybe they could help me get back to normal?   In short my entire adventuring career has been a mistake and I'm surrounded by morons and psychopaths. If I return to normal maybe I should just go back to Dakilai and get a job with that Buckback fellow.   Other thoughts...
  • That Threadripper kirin is crazy. She gets her thrills, to put it politely, from her work spilling blood. Never seen anything like it, different a barbarian rage but even more terrifying. Will have to keep an eye on her.
  • Why would Goldenport ever build whatever sort of terrible unholy machine that Soibot represents? It's a mechanical abomination that should be reduced to scrap metal. Never trust Goldenport.
  • What is the viscount's name? Did we ever learn it? Or the knight of Redcliff's name for that matter? I am awful with names.
  • Campaign
    The Short Straws

    Cool Esper

    Level .
    Report Date
    22 Jul 2023

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