Short Straws Session 20 Report

General Summary

Chuggie's Report

AWOL Agent report: Aorta Incision On the flipside, snake-tongued gunslinger codename Snake Oil found a Viscount agent trying to slip into illegal Threadrippers operations, who are committing acts of rebellion against the vindictive feline-avian ruler for its tax policies and sending their town. Said stallion sent him on a goose's chase for the trouble. Filing application to possibly make contact with said equine for black market deals.   At a similar time, the rest of the party find the same information plus the knowledge of a secret meeting inside that very tavern. However, they seemed to had some sort of delay or change of plans since no meeting was ever conducted. However, this led to the pink earth mare codename Flat Earth to intentionally destroy the queen worshipper's heart so bad that it led him into a severe drunken depression whose ending is unknown. Attempts to check his state were thwarted by the reluctant armored mare doing so first. Any eavesdropping turned out empty despite best efforts.   More importantly, however, an execution announcement spurred the party to the main plaza where codemane Cool Esper and Jelly Cap along with the two branded gryphons were about to be hanged. It soon devolved into chaos as the various members retaliated with brute force mixed with some misdirection from codename Cecile. Her lack of fighting shows incredible reluctance over the act, but her commanding aura aided her party members regardless.   After enough fire bombings and waffle iron explosions along with physical trauma, the party stood victorious before fleeing into the waiting hooves of the Threadrippers. Their next proposed job is to bust out a VIP from the guard tower during the newly sanctioned martial lockdown. Prospects for reward are plentiful.

The Short Straws

Cool Esper

Level .
Report Date
04 Mar 2023

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