Short Straws Session 17 Report

General Summary

Chuggie's Log Urgent report. AWOL agent has been spotted in train riding to Riverdown. Blended in with unidentified clockwork pony and its group seemingly looking for an entry that's linked with heart-shaped key. Group cohesion: Low. Group bickering: High No signs of Bannermanes identification Encountered adventure-hungry gryphon bard. Goaded most of the party into exploring the town curse while the earth pony suspected of magical schizophrenia stayed behind to be safe. After next couple of events, his assessment is more than contradictory. However, group managed to incapacitate three witches designated Blinds, Curtains and Shades after the stallion with the cold hooves was captured in a cauldron full of boiling water. Last one seems to lead the pack. Slow response time from the rest of the group despite numerous cries for help. Member designated Silver Wing was transformed into artic flightless avian species. Curse duration unknown, but assumed it's been critically effective as it was helplessly hugged into submission. Conclusions: Unknown, require further observation.

The Short Straws

Cool Esper

Level .
Report Date
17 Dec 2022

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