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Session VIII: Feather Fall Report

General Summary

The session began by ensuring everyone had picked their melee weapon from equipment class, able to maintain and handle their weaponry. As the week skipped ahead to the 17th, we settle that Lilli had been busy in alchemy class to provide some oil of slipperiness and potion of climbing for her and Jolie. Then, buying perfume, using Flip's fish and Devon's old rotten eggs, they made stink bombs.   Class begins just outside of the greenhouse, where the Morgrave forest is located. An arcane eye enchanted holographic screen is setup at the entrance to follow each of the students as they take on their challenge. First to volunteer is Flip, tackling on the boar. Skill challenges go very well at first and he finds the boar no issue and can setup much before the pig sees him. Until the attempt to talk to it and offer food mixes with the threat of fire, mixing up the animal. Eventually the food is enough that it forgets the fire and just charges for food. It's not aggression per say, more like focused recklessness from the boar that injures Flip. Not wanting to hurt him more or dangerously so, the boar turns into a druid who introduces herself as Jenna Clawfoot. She grew up as a scholar-druid, studying in depth the 5 animal species here to learn their behaviour in depth and write on them. A B- grade was given.   Next Devon goes but his speak with Animal from House Vadalis is nearly cheating. Still does good, but is less impressive. Jolie then takes on the Owlbear (Young Owlbear), which they find in a cave, having good hearing to locate and spot it. Skillfully hiding in the bushes, the creature then stepped out of the cave and began to head the otherway. Jolie then took on them to draw the creature in and frighten them with fire, first by lighting a torch. The owlbear spotting them then charged in, to which they spread the torch fire in a line, where the druid within the bear actually broke animal character for a second and had a double take, but then charged forward, forced to try and go around the fire fence, only to receive a facefull of stink bomb (which seeped a bit into Jolie's clothing). Roaring in disgust, Jenna broke owlbear form to land into an watering eyed, coughing version of her normal self, confirming that the owlbear would have ran away, but that the forest fire wasn't necessary. Back at camp, Jolie received an A grade, with much horror in them for that lack of +, though offered to do extra credit and got the "right" to do an essay on fire safety in the wild to make up for the + grade.   Coranthius went next, going against a Mountain lion and failing to even located, had the creature land on him from the treetop and got a C grade, as the druid turned back before giving any serious blow.   Demitri went next, preparing to find a good clearing in the trees and set a blood trap (a shirt with blood on it) to lure the wild cat, then hid in a tree (and hid very well), net weaved with copper in hands. After a wait, the mountain lion came about and took scent of the trap, going over to investigate. Taking advantage of the animal's distraction, they launched the net from the treetop and it landed square on the target. Purposely falling on the net and the beast, they then emitted a wave of electricity into the net to zap the creature... zapping themselves in turn, though taking half damage due to being an air genasi. They then were relentless on the creature, between Javelins (that mostly missed or did 0 damage on hit) and shocks, the druid then popped out of them, highly angered while the team watched the event with some... let's call that discomfort and worry. Once calmed, Jenna was however able to confirm that the endeavor was successful and the teacher overrode her lower mark due to her biais for peaceful resolution, when that isn't always the case when survival is in question. Nearly giving an A+ to Demitri, the + was removed for the careless of shocking themselves, outraging Jolie to no end to nearly getting out-graded.   Annabelle was next, going for a bear and ending with disaster and a facefull of mud.   The class ended with Lilli going after her wolf target, moving forward and finding a convenient place to hide and draw the wolf, boosted by a potion of climbing. Tracking and luring first through sound then smell takes time and is a bit clumsy, however, once the wolf arrives and lunges, Lilli easily makes it up the tree to where it is safe, and uses her own stinkbomb (which was a blend of perfume, rotten large egg and rotten fish, same as Jolie's), defeating the wolf and terrorizing Jenna who pops out of druid form. Lilli is commended for doing this uninjured and efficiently, but looses a bit of points for the tracking, earning herself an A- as well. A few tidbits of wisdom is imparted at the end of the class and the group splits and regroup for Social studies.   The class is a lecture as per the usual, though it ends with the group getting a bit of homework to setup 3 stories per person, with 2 being true, and one being a lie, for the next session.   Cosmology also ends the session with a regular start of the session and ending in a vote for the first location to visit. Together, the group opts to visit a manifest zone of Dal Quor when the travel happens soon, outvoting the rest of the students. Professor ir'Larrian calls Jolie and keep them for a quick conversation after the class, one the others do not overhear.   Back at the room, there is a slight discussion about the stories, and the concept of trust is put to the test, though much is kept private. One thing that is tested, is Flip mentioning that he won't be graduating, but later reveals this was to test the rest's reactions. There is a slight standoff between him and Jolie, one that is escaped by both Demitri and Lilli, and the game ends.   GAME ENDS

Rewards Granted

A-, A, A, A-

Character(s) interacted with

Professor Gaost, Professor ir'Larrian and Jenna Clawfoot

Quick Infos

Melee Weapons The group also each chose a melee weapon and was set as follow:
  • Demitri: Net
  • Flip: Trident
  • Jolie: Whip
  • Lilli: Dagger
Eberron: The Mournlands

Lilli Luckyblock

Report Date
26 Nov 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Date: Sypheros 17 to 19, 1008 YK

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