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Session XXII: Saving Kryx Report

General Summary

We start back in the dorm room, with Kryx in the group's presence. Most things are set except the way to go. Travel mode debates had occurred but the final decision was left pending. It didn't take long, as circle talk was cut short to get to the point, and everyone agreed fairly easily to settle for ship travel. There was the pets to solve though, and Dusk took care of the animals except the foxes, who were dropped off at Flip's home by the beach.   Talking as they walked to the port of Sharn, they spied the locals and the boats there, from fishing to leisure to tourism. Tourism and fancy ship with crew using a uniform were too fancy. Rickity and shady boats were out of the question. They settled for rental leisure, ships with a small cabin under to sleep and rest. However the arrangements, 1g for the week, meant they had to remain within the reef. Which they had to leave of course. The group opted for truth telling and instead, provide a security deposit of 15g, for potential damages to the boat. There was a feel that the offer might be above and beyond what was needed, but it succeeded and the deposit will be returned at 75%.   Together, they boarded the ship and rested for a moment, waiting for a bit later in the evening to leave. The start of the voyage was peaceful and simple, the weather on the crew's side. If anything, teh beauty of the sea was up for display. It wasn't until two nights in, during Jolie's watch, that the ship was boarded by a set of 2 sahuagin raiding the waters. Unable to speak Aquan, the group was unable to understand the creature's speech so gleamed little of their motivation, but could grasp the agression clearly, as they surprised the group (poor perception check). Still, after much hurt and a nearly dead Kryx, they dispatched the sahuagin and stole their spear. And when Kryx saw them as fish meat and started to eat them... so did others on the boat (Jolie aside) and had a night of exotic Sahuagin rump roast.   Things settled for a moment until the night after, during Lilli's watch (who is the one suffering sea sickness, ironically), did a storm hit. This challenge of creative problem-solving had the crew:  

  • Control a panicking Kryx and secure them;
  • Tie Jolie and Lilli to masts and wheels to secure the ship
  • Flip put crates to float along the boat, tied - had to pass a steady-foot check and passed
  • Add in a luck roll that passed
  And the crew survived the storm. However, the survival check to find their route failed and they added a day to their trip, refusing to accost in the monster filled mountains. Another failed check and they added another day and half going in a circle before finally arriving at port (thanks to Lilli's observation). Port Krish is a changeling mini city with basic essentials, but rich artistic sides and nature adoption. The culture of changelings was explained in surface, where many adopt a few personas and even share them with other changelings occasionally. Nothing of the city, after a Flip perception, gave the notion of military aggression. Just basic dock security for anti-theft. People here, are frightened by the notion of the war, but seem peaceful.   Their alignment was tested when they stopped at the tavern for a meal, where the barkeep was a common speaking sahuagin. Though, in this village, there was doubt as the TRUE nature of said barkeep. Once Lilli got her plate of Troll and Yak cheeses, Jolie settled for mushroom stew and Portshine (97% alcohol) and Flip took a chowder and split a plate of rat and cat with Kryx, the lot filled its belly of surprisingly fine food and Jolie got drunk, revealing that they are indeed a changeling to their companions. Something that had a bit of a pin in it moment, as they were out of their damn mind, getting a hippie-nice changeling dad (also the town square lute player), played a kick ass set of lute themselves (better than normally) and then passed out to travel back home, making better time on the return trip. Paying a late fee but getting their partial deposit back, they then headed back home to clean after the pets.   Months went by, until Zaranthyr, the last semester rolled in. It was time for Jolie's patron ceremony, led by Acolyte Lycia directly in Flamekeep, capital of Thrane. The church was grand, pristine and beautiful, like a dream of achitectural perfection. At its center, stood a gleaming sword embedded in the alter, bathed in silver fire that didn't burn, a crack through the entre marble altar. Jolie was brought to touch the sword at the hilt, in front of friends, acquaintances, clergy and family. To most, it wasn't much... a gust of wind, a faint glow and a long drawn out pause. For Jolie, it was an Astral projection to the very cosmos, where they met that voice from a long lost vision. Hezcalipa, the first of the Couatl in their golden glory, finishing those ominous words: "You've been led astray, Jolie." She explained that the church had strayed from its original purpose, of good, of protection, of hunting true evil (demons, mostly), in favor of control and power. They (Jolie) would be the one to lead the church anew, but the path would be difficult. There are things, brewing, that the church has become blind to see. They aren't ready yet. When they are ready, the sword of the Silver flame meant to be theirs, will be pulled out. Until they can achieve that, they aren't ready for the task ahead. Let free, most celebrated, but their father, Alistair, called for a test. Jolie cast their first Eldritch blast, a small comet of growing power, in front of the cheering crowd, proving their divinity.   While they were being celebrated, Flip and Lilli explored the Capital. At first wowed by the beauty and order of the city, the shiny paladins, the gold and silver lights... they soon saw the harshness and mercilessness it hid. Witnessing a mother of 6 admonished in public for her poverty, they tried to intervene, but only added to her troubles, at least for the future, solving the immediate. They tried to make up for it but were surprised by an offended reaction. Lilli, with good insight, grasped the level of brain washing of the masses in this area. A cycle passed, as this lady was passing to her own progeny. Still, to help, she arranged a job for her at the local Kundarak banks, an offer which she took as it is more help than charity. Disillusioned, the pair returned and arrived JUST in time to the airship returning home.   A long discussion amongs the 3 roomates ensued, and they tackled the harshness of the land, or Thrane, what Jolie saw. They talked of Flip and Gwen's breakup and of their future, of Margo and of the ball and all it entails.   The game ended there, with all 3 gaining their first level, leaving the status of commoner behind.   GAME END

Rewards Granted

Level 1

Missions/Quests Completed

Save Kryx & Jolie's Patron Ceremony

Character(s) interacted with

Kryx, Danna (nice dad), Alistair (Not nice dad), Dusk and Lycia

Quick Infos

Eberron: The Mournlands

Lilli Luckyblock

Report Date
07 Apr 2024
Date: Sypheros 12-23, 1011YK | Zaranthyr 2-3, 1012YK

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