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Session IV: Classes begin!! Report

General Summary

We start the session with a quick overview of the students attending their very first artisan class, exploring a quick descriptive of their classrooms and style, with everyone now holding to a new toolkit in their inventory:

  • Demitri: Weaving class has large enchanted looms with leatherworking stations and students dressed in unique handmade clothing. The vast space is cluttered and smells of fresh leather and wax.
  • Flip: Finds himself in a large room surrounded with enchanted windows with views all over the world for things to take inspiration from, with easels, pottery wheels and sculpture bases.
  • Jolie: Is set in a room with lined tables in the picture of order, with wood walls that can mimick twisting stone halls to learn to map was one travels, with brass navigation implements and supplies board all perfectly organised to learn cartography.
  They then met in the introduction to Cosmology class with the school principal, Professor ir'Morgrave, and their dorm neighbors sharing the class. There was a lecture and questions to the class where the tale of the beginning of Eberron was discussed, with Jolie placing themselves as a teacher's pet (sitting at the front with Flip) and Demitri (sitting at the back) getting caught passing notes by a teacher who saw but said nothing. Yet. Discussion moved to the 14 planes of Eberron, and the 2 overlapping main planes (Material and Ethereal), where they explored what themes of planes interested who, and gave everyone a homework to learn about the planes and pick one to vote on where the first of 3 field field trips would be, as the class would visit zones of influence (but not by the plane of madness, safety of students forbids access to those).   The group converses a bit and land in the library to start their research of planes movement vs time (as they are near impossible to predict), anatomy and impact of the planes on the Genasi, or introduction to planes for simplicity. Discussion of faith and the Silverflame was also had, as both Demitri and Flip are mostly non-religious but very opened to learn, allowing for Jolie to explain morality in that lense with some contradiction from Demitri, seeing religion as rigid definitions of right and wrong.   The group then goes back home where a letter was waiting for Flip, from Greymane Ironhand, handing him a key to the closed museum and a request for another dive to retrieve more artefacts, piquing the interest of the other two, who do talk and debate about going together, as a tag along to a regiment of daily running exercise, now mingled with some swimming. Underwater breathing will be a challenge for the non-genasi folk.   GAME BREAK   The next day, the group once again skims through Geography, as the teacher mostly reviews the basics of the World and we review the list of continent on Eberron, noting that most are closed off from the rest of the world, namely Sarlona, Argonessen and Aerenal, while Xen'drik remains a wild jungle and the poles, cold, deserted danger zones. So life as you all know it, focuses on Khorvaire, the mainland.   After a quick lunch, the group heads to Equipment class, where the focus of the day is on ranged weaponry and the need for everyone to learn martial skills, even their future adventuring aim is magic. You never know when an anti-magic field will arise! Each student is invited to choose a weapon that calls to them and will learn proficiency in the course of the class (regardless of class selection). Weapons are training versions (or in the ammunition is at the least). Jolie chooses a pistol, Flip a sling and Demitri takes up javelins. Annabelle takes up a shortbow and Devon hand crossbows, and new students from Dorm C are noted: Werem (in green robes) and Margo (wearing a symbol of the Silverflame), picking respectively a blowgun and a heavy crossbow. Most students do ok, but Annabelle misses completely. Then Dorm A grab some attention again, with fantastic rolls and near-bullseye shots. In this room where there are no desks, only floor cushion to sit in a circle, they learn that there will be a game of last man standing in the coming on about 3 weeks. After learning basics of equipment care, they go out and Jolie practices in the hall, doing 2/3 more impressive shots on the face of a nearby statue. Impressed, Margo asks for tutoring, to which Demitri and Jolie answer in unison, but with opposite answers. Professor Gurtan then emerge to show them and scold them NOT to practice in the halls of all places, and threatens with detential, so the group escapes outside, where they get to know Werem, the trouble maker a bit better, and Margo, the devotee of Tira (Silver flame figure) who is a bit judgemental and stiff in the codes of righteousness.   GAME END

Character(s) interacted with

  • Professor Larrian ir'Morgrave
  • Professor Gurtan (Blowgun) Ricochet
  • Annabelle d'Deneith
  • Devon d'Vadalis
  • Margaret (Margo) Delacourt
  • Werem (???)
  • Greymane Ironhand (in writing only)


Lilli absent from this session.

Quick Infos

Eberron: The Mournlands

Lilli Luckyblock

Report Date
29 Oct 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Reminder set: Classes will be brushed by, stopping only for interesting moments that aren't just lectured. Note that players can bring, create or even request certain events of what they would like to explore (city exploration was mentioned).
Date: Sypheros 4-5, 1008 YK

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