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Session VI: Introduction to Magic - Student Mixer Report

General Summary

We start the day with Introduction to Magic - Magewright level I class. In this class, everyone learns about the origin of magic, core glyphs and arcane theory, and the involvement of dragonshard (and its powder) in spell casting. Each person receives a pouch of powder to use as components for their future spell practice. They are each invited to dip their fingertips to the powder and practice summoning magical essences, which is influenced by one's true-self and personality, and we witness what each person's magic looks like:  

  • Flip: Blueish sphere, reminescent of a snow glob with droplets of water floating within
  • Jolie: Greyish smoke that coalesces and seem heavy, dissipating down
  • Demitri: An explosion of blue energy that forms into streaks of electricity that is re-absorbed in
  • Lilli: A bubbling of green moss-like growth at the fingers
  Homework for this class: Create a magewright focus for yourself, to enchant during the next class.   After class, the group heads to the library for their free period and begin to research in many books. During such, they get a meeting with Dusk Moonglaive, a shifter from the first year, like them, and Dorm C. Her overly bubbly approach worked with Flip but Demitri ran away, escaping her lack of respect for personal space. Still, the group was invited to a mixer with all 4 first year Dorms, and all students (including themselves). This lead to some mild bickering among the group, and reading of each other's behavior (Demitri to Jolie's saying of "Everything can be forgiven"). GAME BREAK The second half of the session was spent in a meet and greet style as they all gathered in Dorm C. But first, Demitri covertly brought a set of books to Annabelle, forging Jolie's signature to offer apologies and an olive branch in their stead. During this, they could see that Margo wasn't all that happy about the last moment called in event but did her best to be a good host. Despite a showcase of high judgement when speaking of her "Lycan-descendant" roomate. Jolie and Lilli together offered words of wisdom to aid overcome this flaw in herself.   Demitri had some time to discuss tablet artefacts with Ari, also of Dorm C, sitting more quietly. Though not as offput by the crowd, Ari seemed more keen to share into intellectual debate of an andient language written in stone then 'chit-chat', and Flip did the full round of the crowds, exploring the various personalities here. He displayed a beautiful mini ice-statue which Yvana lit up with her own magic for all to view, and Annabelle told Jolie she accepter 'their' apology ... which led Jolie to run the note back to Demitri and have a small confrontation once back home.   GAME END

Quick Infos

Eberron: The Mournlands

Lilli Luckyblock

Report Date
13 Nov 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Date: Sypheros 7th, 1008 YK

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