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Session III: Morgrave's Big Race Report

General Summary

The day starts with every doing their morning routine (not detailed) and gathering back into the living room to plan the day. After a solid breakfast at the cafeteria and purchasing snacks for the mounts, the group heads to the Vadalis stables on the 3rd floor. There, a smelly Devon greets them (Jolie reminds Demitri that they don't have to breath and endure the stench). So after a short exploration of why that is, the group headed in.   Flip made amends with Tidal, and with successful checks, patience and treats, he was able to connect with the Hippogriff and secure his space in the race. Demitri spent time with Seaside and Jolie practiced saddling up (poorly at first) and Lilli tried to meet a hippogriff but found herself underside of the animal and opted to avoid a repeat of the situation. Demitri and Flip also practiced their mounting and felt it a natural skill. Jolie then attempted to practice direct on Anathema, and went opposite sides of the critical roles, with a failure at first, followed by a spectacular recovery.   Everyone split and took some time to rest, read, shop and recover. The 3 racers went to ready up and Lilli joined the crowd to the front garden, placing bets and getting a good view. The bets were on Demitri winning, Flip not finishing the race and Marcus losing.   The concept of skill challenges were introduced, and everyone did their rolls to setup a scenic montage. Demitri took the lead and didn't need to action on his 'cheating' lasso, doing a remarkable stunt of roof running and remounting on the last lap. Jolie dragged to 3rd but prevented Annabelle from cheating with a clever use of fear images, stunning the House Denneith neighbor into fright, causing her to lose the race fully. Flip stood fast second and had his own display of fabulous air-acrobatics where he spotted Lilli in the crowds below. On landing, Demitri, seeing the cheering crowds rush in, flew away and escaped to the stables. Jolie tried to confort Annabelle but she too, ran off (more subtely than their comrades, however, with made up excuses to just leave). Jolie earned a prize for 3rd place, Flip a prize for second, both directly from the Principal of the school. Flip had a slight anxious moment, not having recognize him. Lilli collected the bounties of the bets and Demitri eventually met the principal, talking of cheating and earning himself a strange place in the professor's memory, but still getting his prize.

Everyone celebrated back home, as the day ended, readying for the start of classes in the morrow.

Rewards Granted

  • 1st Prize (200cp + gold medal), 2nd Prize (100cp + silver medal), 3rd Prize (40cp + bronze medal)
  • Mix winnings and loss (total -1sp) from betting

Character(s) interacted with

  • Professor Larrian ir'Morgrave
  • Devon
  • Annabelle
  • Marcus

Quick Infos

Eberron: The Mournlands

Lilli Luckyblock

Report Date
08 Oct 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Date: Sypheros 3, 1008 YK

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