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Session I: Friends Meet Cute Report

General Summary

The group meets on their first official day on campus. It is 3 days prior to the start of classes and the school is hosting events in the courtyard, giving campus tours and simple little activities for students to settle in their dorm rooms, or start up on some class reading material.   The players, all arrive and move in to their rooms. Showing the most extroversion, Jolie, a human, is first to step out of their room to call onto the others. Flip, a Genasi, soon follows to meet with them, as does Lilli, a gnome. Quick introductions of the three ensues, establishing primarly levels of accustomization to educational institutions, where Jolie and Lilli are both apt, and Flip is very novel. It's clear one is missing and they knock to their room. Demitri, a Genasi, eventually comes out to meet the others, and discusses 'books'.   They learn the ticks of a very shy Demitri and explore musical aptitudes, showcasing each their personality. There is the start of a discussion for a party when a group of students from the room across the hall knocks. Devon and Annabelle, 2 humans from dragonmarked houses informs them of their connection in the school and the opportunity this grants. They could take part in a race around the campus, in a couple of days, for fun. They are even offered to try and fly on mounts, building on Demitri's love of birds discussions. Some volunteer to fly, others to look from below. With a repeated greeting and handing the group their class schedules and campus map, they leave.   It is then that Flips brings forward a need for food and sustanance, echoed by Jolie and agreed by Lilli. Which Demitri takes as a request from new friends and just takes off. Starting with good rolls, his nose leads him to a large cafeteria with items for all tastes. Going for the boxes of preserving on the side of the wall where there is less people, Demitri scavenges an armful of cold breakfast burritos and then tries to leave, looking a bit like a rat in a maze. The 3 others find them finally. Jolie b-lines for the sweet pastries while Flip and Jolie escort Demitri back out. The group then picnics near the museum.   GAME BREAK   On return, their belly full and for some, such as Jolie used to finer things, a disatisfied pallate. They visit the library below the university and borrow books on many subjects, such as cooking, planes and Genasi people. With a bit of shopping at the Campus store, the game concludes for the in game day, IRL.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Annabelle Tharashk and Devon d'Vadalis
  • Dorothea (librarian)
  • Pluto (store clerk)

Quick Infos

Eberron: The Mournlands

Lilli Luckyblock

Report Date
24 Sep 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Date: Sypheros 1, 1008 YK

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