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Session XIV: The Azure Sky Report

General Summary

The group heads to the airship station to head to the Azure Sky manifest zone. The airship trip goes a lot smoother and everyone enjoys their time. There, they find a gorgeous little lake cove full of floating island, in an idealistic weather. The teacher then announces a contest for fun between all teams. They need to use their items, a handful of scrolls given, to find a special statuette hidden somewhere. Each team has their own.   Using a mix of fly, swim and locate objects spells, they split up after MUCH debate and strategizing. They are the second to last group to leave. Quickly they locate items and spying on others put together that the statuette is in pieces. They get back to the beach, neck and neck with Devon's team. Casting darkness on them to sabotage them, they use sovereign glue to set theirs back ok and win the contest.   GAME BREAK   After the break, they have PE class with their hobgoblin teacher, a hardass who plans to test the class through a race. The race has few rules:

  • They can only use new items they get with their appointed 2500cp funds (they can't keep what is left)
  • No killing
  • No maiming
  The day ends with quick shopping in preparation. At the end of the trip, Jolie gets a vision from a golden being, one that is interrupted, that says "You have been led astray"

Rewards Granted

Everyone got to keep a scroll of their choice

Missions/Quests Completed

Cosmology Field Trips & Year 2

Character(s) interacted with

  • Artemis
  • Devon
  • Annabelle
  • Dusk

Quick Infos

Eberron: The Mournlands

Lilli Luckyblock

Report Date
28 Jan 2024

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