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Session XVIII: Investigating the thievery Report

General Summary

We continue near the end of the year, where the investigation of the theft continues. Following clues, the group breaks into the staff hall B, just missing Mandrake, the security guard usually posted in the front of the school. There, they find the space where the vase was missing, but mostly storage. At least on the first floor. Upstairs, after contending with pets, they find the rooms of multiple staff staying on campus, from messy but organised rooms, to earthy spaces of the Groundskeeper Deena, to finally the counsellor's room, where they find in her journal, that Pluto (the shopkeep) has lost his staff hall keys. Again. In Pluto's room they find one of his keys under the radiator (and prevent a fire by doing so) and now have access to easy entry. Sadly, Kryx's room (a total mess), also has the stolen rake under their bed. Not convinced (and not wanting to be convinced) they continue.   They question the cafeteria lady next, who classifies her old pot as 'irreplaceable' but clearly, is more sentimental value. There was sign of break in there, but not in the staff hall B. Like someone had a key. They also know all the honey candy were taking during the theft. In staff hall A, nothing gets found that is critically important, but they are spotted on the way out, by Margo, Dusk and Werem. Margo is outraged and nearly storms off to rat them out, but connecting that Werem has a ton of honey candy rings bells in the crew's mind, and Jolie uses this to calm Margo down, who plays along and pretends to still storm off to the authorities. A battle of insight is had between Jolie and Werem, and the rolls are all high, with meanings staying vague. They play on Werem's like of mischief to set a date to cause some, while Dusk remains guiddy and oblivious.   The crew discusses and sets a trap. The aim: to have this turned into a semi date between Jolie and Werem, while Flip and Lilli sneak off to Werem's dorm while he's out.   When time comes, Flip and Lilli execute, tricking Dusk (without much trouble at all) into letting them in. Flips takes her in another room to look for board games and the likes while Lilli searches Werem's room, and finds articles on Droamm, showcasing disdain of the people from there... and hidden, the stolen goods. Lilli was able to share this with Flip and they bunked down, playing with Dusk while Flip took 10min to cast magewright sending to Jolie.   Meanwhile, Jolie was able to get Werem to be their date and they went to the University rooftop (before the towers), to what is basically makeout corner, where they, in a sense, played fake date chicken. Werem went for a kiss, but was stopped, so he tried to dare Jolie to tar and feather (well oil and feather) one of the grounds worker, but instead, Jolie oiled and feathered Werem, who stormed off pissed off. Laying chase, they got to the floorground and Werem hailed Mandrake, the security guard, for help, claiming his crazy ex wouldn't stop stalking him. The guard intercepted Jolie, who was able to persuade him to check Werem, but only after they waited a moment, so they wouldn't be face to face. Which is then that Flip's sending worked and told Jolie about Werem's guilt, moments before Werem burst in at home. Dusk was terrified and they had a face off with Werem, trying to give him another chance, but when Werem 'declined' Lilli stepped in and right after, Jolie and the guard arrived. Werem was caught and expelled, and the lot was published in the news paper.   The 3rd year came to a close, and everyone went back home for the summer.

Missions/Quests Completed

Year 3 of University

Character(s) interacted with

  • Gwen
  • Dusk
  • Margo
  • Werem
  • Kryx

Quick Infos

Eberron: The Mournlands

Lilli Luckyblock

Report Date
25 Feb 2024
Date: Vult to Nymm 1011YK

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