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Session V: Beasts and Social Skills Report

General Summary

On this day, the group of Dorm A found themselves going to Beastiary class and Social Studies.   Beast class had them meet their teacher, Gaost (just called Ghost by the other students) to find that part of the class was highly theoretical. There, they will study the more dangerous beasts likely to be encountered during adventures, learn their traits, behaviors and strategies to handle them. The first series focuses on forest common five: wolves, mountain lions, wild boards, owlbears and black bears. At the end of the first bout of theories, they will have to face off, one on beasts, against their chosen beastial opponents in the simulated forest behind the school.

  Flip chose boar, as it wasn't a popular choice among the others. Jolie picked owlbear, but initially believed it to be the size of an owl, and Demitri (relayed in chat) chose the Mountain Lion. Jolie inquired about the Owlbear and found a poster on the class wall. Scared but too proud to back down, they kept to their choice. A gnome named Corius, sitting right behind them added his comments about how brave that was, with owl bears being aggressive, and Jolie caught a sight of Annabelle being smug at her mistakes, stoking the flames of inner motivation.   A few tips were sought from the teacher, who offered that combat isn't the only option, but that the owlbear's keen senses would have to be considered, as well as its aggressive and territorial nature. Safeguards will be in place, and it was hinted that perhaps its massive size could be used against it. Jolie set a plan to run extra this next week or two.   Then they went to Social Studies, sitting in a circle with all 12 first year students, passing the talking stick to introduce themselves. It was explained by teacher PEO that the class would be a series of ice breaker games and social exercises to build trust and group fusion. The second half would focus on group roles in adventuring settings, regardless of class of studies (OOC: PC class).
  Flip and Jolie then talked as they headed out, and split so that Jolie would study in the library, and Flip would visit Greymane in the Museum.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Corius
  • Professor Gaost


Due to technical issues and having 2 players absent, the session was shortened to a half session.

Quick Infos

Eberron: The Mournlands

Lilli Luckyblock

Report Date
05 Nov 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Date: Sypheros

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