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Session XX: Down, in the dungeon! Report

General Summary

The group headed to the lower basement of Morgrave to do a simulated Dungeons as part of their core, group classes. Under the guidance of Professor Morgrave (Jr), they were instructed on the basics of a dungeon. Navigating long halls and a winding maze, the crew was able to dodge floor traps, fire traps and find a doodad in the dark. A bit lower, near the stinking canals, they found a vault (door puzzle) and solved it easily, before clocking the young mimick chest and dispatching of it without anyone getting hurt.   A few treasures later and they bypassed a room deemed "death room", expected (correctly) to be a flooding trap. Then they fought teachers disguised as zombies before resting in a potions lab, where Flip cooked and they talked. A bit of drama happened earlier on, where Lilli tried to rush in first but was stopped, an issue on the table under discussion.   GAME END

Missions/Quests Completed

Morgrave Dungeons Simulation Exercise

Quick Infos

Eberron: The Mournlands

Lilli Luckyblock

Report Date
10 Mar 2024
Date: Sypheros 20-24, 1011YK

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