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Session VII: Flip's Dive Report

General Summary

We start by mentioning that the rest of the week passed by, and that during this time, Lilli had taken time at her alchemy class to brew water breathing potions for the group, 4. 2 rolled well, 2 were looking like fizzy drinks.   On the way, Jolie stopped to purchase a simple bathing suit (shorts wetsuit). The group then cross Sharn and walk a few hours to the Coast, where they meet Flap, the hawk who lands on Demitri who wanted to 'catch' it. Flap acts friendly and Flip goes to retrieve it, then finds a fishing cat there, busy fishing and stealing his minnow and pounce to him. Bringing the fish back for Demitri, he introduces them all to Pounce, who is very friendly behaving to the group. They then explore the sand and the natural cave that is Flip's 'home' to the open beach.   Flip has 2 canoes to help reach the middle of the water, after Jolie finds a safe space for their dry goods. Demitry and Lilli take one canoe, and Jolie and Flip another. The water breathing for the non Genasi is weird, and feels a bit like breathing in a cold sauna. Deep down, the crew finds the wreckage of the ship and begin to explore, finding a few trinkets at first glance in the captain's cabin. Below deck, a key sticks out and opens the way to a door that wasn't accessible before, and Demitri going in first, the door closed behind them, locking them in. In there is another locked door, with symbols and 4 locks, and a glowing circle. Puzzle time. The group looks for keys, and instead, find symbols, two, and after 10 min. another key. Trying to open the door based on key location, this triggered a trap in the door, releasing Acid in the water, causing some pain to poor Demitri.   GAME BREAK   After some more searching, resulting in everyone catching a few bits of scraps and bobs but no more keys or symbol, the group tried one more combination, and the Acid trap triggered again, until it came to light that the keys had to match the found symbols and open the door, leading to the sought after navigation artefact. Air being on a timer and Demitri in poor shape, the group immediately b-lined out of the ship and back to the surface, where they clambered back into the canoes.   The group was able to return to shore where a tent was pitched, and Jolie, Lillie and Flip helped set Demitri (who had just collapsed in the sand) and hand to settle on a bedroll. Before bed there was a comparison of adventuring gear, and then they all went to sleep for a quiet night before returning to school. They turned the goods to Greymane who assured Flip was a year paid for tuition, and to the group, offered to sign as discoverers of the device in the event its study turned something grand. Compensation was promised if things were to go further. The artefact was left and small items identified or sold.   The group ended with a shopping trip to get themselves from healer's kits and then proceeded to each go their way until class begins again for week 2.   GAME END

Quick Infos

Eberron: The Mournlands

Lilli Luckyblock

Report Date
19 Nov 2023
Primary Location
Date: Sypheros 10th & 11th, 1008YK

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