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02: Rescuing Floon and Trollskull Report

General Summary

Dates Covered Kythorn 18th - 1942 DR (Night)   The Dragon Liberators are found by the watch in the Xhentarin warehouse, Renaer talked to the watch captain and managed to convice them that the group saved him and had nothing to do with the dead bodies all around them.   The group made their way into the sewers following the trail of the kenku that managed to get away with Renaer keen on getting his friend Floon back.   While travelling through the sewers they had to get through a pocket of no oxygen but they succesfully tracked the Kenku to the Xanathars guild hideout.   At the hideout they fought their way through some goblins and some goons till they got to the area where Floon was being held hostage. There, a mindflayer (Nihiloor) with an intellect devourer for a pet witnessed the interrogation of Floon by the orc wizard - Grum'shar.   The fight started and Nihiloor decided to depart but left the intellect devourer behind. Towards the end of the fight the intellect devourer took over Lander's brain but the party quickly managed to expell it for his head. They fed Lander a portion of the magical apple and he seemingly has recovered.   The party made their way back to The Yawning Portal and instead of paying them he gave them the deep to Trollskull Manor.  

Extra Information

  • Lander's is being kept alive by the magic of the apple - in 98 days the magic will fade.
  • Renaer thinks Volanthe is cute but a bit young.
  • Luuno wants to go to an apothecary to distill the essence of the apple
  • Maybe go to Helm's Hall
  • Lander wants to go to a lot of pubs/ help Volanthe
  • Lander may fence the paintings
  • Volanthe - figure out how to take care of herself / write to her mother
  • Rynna - speak to the Emerald Enclave
  • Kythorn 20: Dragondown

Rewards Granted

  • The deed for Trollskull Manor.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Saved Floon from the Xanathar.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Renaer Neverember - helped with the traking and saving of Floon.
  • Floon Blagmaar - saved by the group.
  • Volothamp Geddarm - did not have the money to pay the party and gave them the deed to Trollskull manor instead.
  • Nihiloor - saw the party when they inflitrated the hideout.
  • Zemk - died
  • Krentz - ran away after being attacked by an ooze when shitting.

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