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01: Arrival to Waterdeep Report

General Summary

Dates Covered Kythorn 18th - 1942 DR   The Dragon Liberators arrived at Waterdeep and made their way to Wavesilver villa. Volanthe had an emotional reunion with her mother and managed to give an eighth of the apple to her sister who seemed to have visibly recovered. She was informed of the consequences of her action and discovered she had to be forcibly disowned by her family.   The group made their way to the Yawning portal while they decided what to do. At the tavern, they pulled Yagra of a group of Xanathar's thugs and had a quick chat. They witnessed a young man 'dipping' into the entrance of the under-mountain and when he go out a troll with striges. The group and Durnan fought the troll and managed to drive it back.   After the fight, Durnan pointed Volo towards the group and he hired them to find his missing friend, Floon. 100 dragons per player 10 dragons in advance. The group made their way to the Skewered Dragon and talked to the barkeeper. He informed them of a new grand game is in effect and that Floon wasn't alone. He meet his friend Renear and they left around midnight followed by 5 men with snake tattoos.   They talked to Xoblob and then the group with the blue pearls tracked Floon and Renaer to a warehouse on Candle Street and fought 4 Kenkus. Killed two and two managed to escape. While searching the warehouse they found some treasure. As they were deciding what to do with tracking the Kenku and Floon the watch arrived.

Extra Information

  • Lander was about to give Renaer some armor and a weapon
  • Rynna as a wolf tracked the Kenkus that escaped down to the sewer
  • Luuno wants to go to an apothecary to distill the essence of the apple
  • Maybe go to Helm's Hall
  • Lander wants to go to a lot of pubs/ help Volanthe
  • Lander may fence the paintings
  • Volanthe - figure out how to take care of herself / write to her mother
  • Rynna - speak to the Emerald Enclave
  • Kythorn 20: Dragondown

Rewards Granted

  • 15 corroded silver trade bars - 50gp/each
  • 4 paintings (Luskan, Neverwinter, Silverymoon, and Baldur’s Gate) - 75gp/each
  • Paper Bird
  • 100gp for finding Floon: 10gp from Volo - 90gp still to be awarded

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Talked to the Wavesilvers
  • Helped Yagra Stonefist and her fight with the Xanathar Guild's thugs

Character(s) interacted with

  • Dara - at the Wavesilver Villa, the family's cleric
  • Xoblob - Lander and Luuno went into the shop

Created Content

Dara A cleric that has worked for the Wavesilver family and is the personal healer of Meriele Stormwind.

Toril Campaign
Report Date
23 Jan 2022
Primary Location
The Yawning Portal
Secondary Location
Zhentarim warehouse

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