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The Saviors of Soza

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The World of Soza
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  • World of Soza (Territories)
Supporting Cast


Sessions Archive

18th Oct 2021

I have a propersition for you

Varis Loreweaver has a job for you... do you take it?

11th Oct 2021

Bon Voyage

The beginning of the adventure. Welcome to Uku village and all that awaits.

11th Oct 2021

Bon Voyage

The beginning of the journey through Machukara and beyond

The World of Soza is split into two. A devastating explosion eons in the past ruptured the planet, leaving in it's wake an endless magical aura that plagues both halves. One half is bathed in the pulsing light of the remaining Shin Spire. Whilst the the other is eclipsed in an eternal twilight, its half of the Spire dimly radiating light.

This story is told by

The Protagonists
