Chapter 23: A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

General Summary

Date: 16th of Flamerule to 1st of Eleasis, 1491 DR

  The heroes sat locked within the holding cells of the North Tower as the floating Cloud Giant castle loomed over the city. They learned from Sebastian that the investigation might take months since many of the city officials are currently dealing with the floating castle. Sebastian remarked that the high officers might just hang the heroes without doing the investigation to save time and trouble. Whether this was true or not, the heroes couldn't tell. With nowhere to go and nothing to do, the Goodfellas quipped with Sebastian who quickly realized he was been making fun of and decided to stay quiet without engaging the prisoners.   After a few hours had gone by, captain Staget arrived to question the Goodfellas. Staget wanted to know more of the heroes and their motivation for arriving to the city of Waterdeep. The questioning wasn't proving very helpful in closing the gaps of information and Staget became more agitated. The heroes learned that during the arrest, there was another mysterious patrol already present in the area that disappeared along with the corpse of Bene's adoptive father. The captain believed this to be an elaborate plot to hide the evidence but before further questions could be asked, the doors flung open.   Bursting to the room and surprising everyone was a young man enraged by the treatment his clients were receiving. The captain and Sebastian stood dumbfounded as Bardy declared to be the lawyer of the Goodfellas and began arguing with captain Staget. Bardy reasoned that the City Watch had no physical proof of the crime that was committed. The arguments were relatively strong enough to persuade the captain to free the Goodfellas from their imprisonment. Ranvas however had to part with his bullets since they contained the illegal smokespowder. Other than that, the heroes managed to retrieve their gear.   The adventurers were introduced to their savior and learned that Bardy was interested in joining their adventuring group. The Goodfellas eventually decided to take him with them as they were heading out to the Mere of the Dead. They had set up a meeting in three days with the Zhentarim to procure more smokespowder and since Ranvas lost all his bullets during the arrest, the heroes decided to wait for the meeting to take place. During these days they stocked up, gathered supplies and bought a carriage and a mule they named Step-Roach #1. Unfortunately during the meeting with the Zhents, Ranvas only gained a horn of smokespowder instead of the promised keg. However at this point he would take all that he could get. When their businesses were concluded the heroes began their journey along the High Road heading north.   The journey began well with Ranvas acting as a guide and leading the way. Virion managed to procure food for the group and found hidden stashes of tea leaves that are a rare sight in the Savage Frontier. After traveling for a few days, the adventurers came across an ambush site where they found a young woman named Amanda, seemingly a lone survivor from the attack. The heroes decided to take her with them and escort Amanda safely to the Carnath Roadhouse.Little did they know that Amanda was more than she revealed. Infatuated by Amanda, Bene decided to spent the night with her. Come morn, the rest of the adventurers found Bene as a gaunt and shriveled man, with the young woman nowhere to be seen. Bene had been the victim of a vampire attack.   When the heroes became close to their destination, the scenery also changed. From the rocky sea-side cliffs and barren grasslands, the heroes were now met with dank swampland and marshes that occasionally swallowed the road. During a night's rest, the heroes struggled to fit all of their traveling companions inside Bardy's Tiny Hut. Sacrifices had to be made, and so each hero stood guard outside the protective hut without means to get inside to safety. During their watch, they saw a large shadow fly by them above the dark grey clouds that loomed over the Mere. The adventurers were able to not attract the attention of the numerous undead that roamed around their camp. Come morn, the corpses withdrew under the bogs and the heroes pressed on.   Finally they had arrived to the compound called Carnath Roadhouse. The walled outpost was nothing more than a stop point for the workers that repaired the High Road and so was unable to offer any accommodations to the adventurers. They spent the night sleeping inside the walls of the Roadhouse and as morning arrived the heroes bid farewells to Ranvas and Virion that were continuing their journey towards the Kryptgarden Forest. Bene, Bardy and Nomime would gather information from the Roadhouse and then head out to the Mere of the Dead. Would this be the last time the heroes saw each other? Would the breaking of fellowship be the first steps to doom? Or will the heroes have a chance to meet up once they have overcame their hardships?

Character(s) interacted with

  • Sebastian 
  • Captain Huystus Staget
  • Amanda
  • Bog Luck
  • Gristle Pete

Storm King's Thunder

Nomime Shandri

Bene Lugosi

Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP

Ranvas Pahrunath

Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
13 Mar 2022
Primary Location

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