Chapter 10: Wave Echo Cave

General Summary

Date: 1st of Kythorn, 1491 DR

  After the long hike through Miners' Trail, the adventurers arrived to the entrance of Wave Echo Cave. Before venturing into the unknown dangers that awaited inside, the party decided to spend the night outdoors, resting and preparing for the journey ahead. Maescia and Nal managed to find a weathered down alcove along the mountain edge that acted as a refuge for the night. As the first rays of sun crept above the mountains, the party had prepared with ammunition, elixirs and tea and now were ready to press on.   With the help of a hooded lantern the adventurers delved inside the tunnel. Eventually, it led them into a large cavern supported by a natural pillar of rock. Inside they found a campsite that was presumably attacked as a single dwarf body lied still on the floor, surrounded by torn and toppled supplies. The dwarf was possibly a kin to Gundren for their similar appearance was uncanny. One of the three Rockseeker brothers was still missing however, so there was a chance they could still rescue him. Ranvas found a symbol drawn into the pillar, which the arcanists recognized to be from the school of Abjuration. The meaning of the symbol was still unknown, even though Nomime figured it might be part of a much larger spell sigil.  
  The party continued their way to where the north-eastern cavern had collapsed and crashed into a pit. They decided to venture through the narrow prospecting tunnels that led them into a maze of mine shafts. They noticed that the tunnel path was much cleaner and smoother than the others, and as a small argument broke off, Ranvas witnessed a large black oozing goo dropping onto Nal's shoulder. The goo sizzled and corroded the skin of the Goliath that got the rest of the party alerted. Nal swung her quarterstaff towards the ooze, splashing it towards herself and as the acidic slime corroded her flesh, the pain took over and she collapsed.       Rays of frost hurled into the large black ooze, freezing it just enough to get Nal out of its grasp. The party took their distance, blasting it with bolts, fire, bullets and darts while the slumbering goo slowly slid towards them. Virion led the retreat with his lantern and as the rest of the party was focused on the slime, he noticed a thin gray hunched figure creeping behind the corner. Instead of alerting the party, the muscular man ripped his shirt off and pummeled the screaming creature into a pulp with his fists in a blink of an eye. The creature barely managed to escape, dashing towards the dark tunnels of the mines. Nomime who was facing the black pudding with the rest of the party stepped forward, drawing arcane sigils in the air and breathed a blast of fire towards the ooze. After the flames dissipated, the goo had evaporated into nothingness.   The party discovered a barracks next to the mines, occupied by the same skulking gray figures Virion had faced before. They came up with a plan to ambush these creatures and as the adventurers bursted into the room, the two ghouls were dealt with quickly. The room was littered with bones of half dozen dwarves and orcs, clad in scraps of armor and the wall was adorned by old stone bunks orderly in a row. The party decided to take a short breather while investigating the room. Ranvas managed to find an old journal revealing the thoughts of someone living in the mines as well as dwarven crafted plate armor. Maescia, Nomime and Nal were studying another arcane symbol, carved outside of the barracks.   While the party was resting a large pulse shook the cavern, washing over the adventurers. The three arcanists instantly felt a strong magical energy, as the air was filled with a thick smell of ozone. Nal discovered the symbol glowing, eventually fading out. The party argued whether to destroy the sigil and eventually decided to wipe it clean from the rock surface. They continued to venture northwards to where the pulse was coming from.   They tracked through the mine shafts, following specks of blood from the victim of Virion. The tunnels carved into a stone staircase that led them upwards towards a large cavern. Ranvas manning the front, flashed his red light casted by Nomime and met with dozens of glowing eyes turning towards him as the light washed over the cavern. The party began to retreat as a horde of undead skittered through the narrow cave tunnels, washing over like a wave of gray mass.       The party desperately managed to retreat back into the barracks, taking a stand as the horde of undead swarmed the both doorways. They managed to break through and a battle erupted. The ghouls slashed and bit, their claws covered in paralyzing poison while the adventurers tried to hold off the massacre. Blood splattered to the floor and walls, the undead dropped but more kept coming. After excruciating battle, the wounded adventurers stood among the pile of slayed undead, bleeding and exhausted. After the first taste of the residents of Wave Echo Cave another pulse of energy washed over them. The party now worn and tired, would continue their way deeper into the caves, facing off the source of the strong energy of Weave.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Found one of the Rockseeker brothers

Storm King's Thunder

Nomime Shandri

Bene Lugosi

Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP

Ranvas Pahrunath

Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
03 Oct 2021

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