Chapter 57: Blood of my Blood

General Summary

Date: 21st to 22nd of Uktar, 1491 DR

  Tensions rose as the Good Fellas were staring at Law Lugosi, the younger adoptive brother of Bene, who was revealed to be in league with the cult of the dragon. Law introduced himself to the remaining adventurers and tried to persuade them into joining the Cult's cause. He revealed that Iymrith had betrayed the Cult by stealing the "Storm King's Thunder", a piece of Divine Essence bestowed to King Hekaton.   A long debate sparked between the heroes as they weighed the pros and cons of the deal. Eventually the Good Fellas decided to decline Law's proposition. Disappointed, Law left the room, leaving Rezmir and her honorguard to slay the adventurers.  
  With unnatural speed, Rezmir dashed and cleaved Bene with her legendary sword, Hazirawn. She moved and charged across the battlefield, slashing and hacking the heroes while her honorguard focused their attention to Nomime. Ranvas executed the mage users in a rapid succession with his firearms, while Nomime deflected the barrage of acid from the Dragonfang Veterans. Nut kept shooting arrows to Rezmir while Bene managed to stab her in the stomach, breaking off her armor.   Rezmir shedded her broken armor and donned on the Black Dragon Mask that revitalized her power. She became even faster as she coarsed through the ice, felling Bene and Nut. Bloodthirsty, the half-dragon charged towards Ranvas and Nomime, murder in her mind. Belros managed to snap out of the infernal bonds Rezmir placed upon him and gave chase. As Rezmir lifted her sword to gut Ranvas, the Voracious Blade impaled her with divine power surging through it, destroying her from the inside. Rezmir fell to the ground, defeated.   Belros healed Bene and Nut and the goblin began chasing after the last remaining cultist with Nomime and Ranvas. Bene took the Black Dragon Mask that dropped next to Rezmir and pocketed it. The heroes were now faced with the challenge of saving Hekaton who was trapped inside the humongous wall of ice. The Good Fellas realized that utilizing magical fire was key, but as the wall fell, it attracted the attention of the White Dragon Glazhael, who resided in the next cave.   The heroes quickly broke off the shackles, but to their demise Hekaton, in his befuddled stupor, attacked them. Bene managed to calm the Giant king upon telling that Princess Serissa had sent them. At the same time, the huge white-scaled dragon entered the cavern.   With King Hekatons help, the wounded adventurers managed to defeat the white dragon who retreated by burrowing through the ice. Hekaton took the conch and used it to teleport everyone into Maelstrom. There they were greeted by Sildar Hallwinter and Eric Shandri, the father of Nomime.   King Hekaton thanked the heroes for rescuing him and asked for their aid in dealing with the evil Giant Lords. He began mustering his forces to search for the Doom of the Desert's lair in Anauroch, while the party decided to head to Phandalin with Sildar and Eric. If they choose to deal against the Giant Lords, Hekaton will have time to muster a greater force to battle against Iymrith. But if the party waits for too long, Iymrith might achieve godhood by completing the Ascension ritual. However, should they fight now, they would have a chance of stopping the ritual from happening.   Will the heroes wait to strike with a great force or will they have what it takes to take down the Doom of the Desert?

Rewards Granted

  • Milestone Level 10.
  • Hazirawn
  • The Black Dragon Mask
  • Mark of Prestige (Storm Giant)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Defeated Rezmir, the Black Wyrmspeaker
  • Rescued King Hekaton

Character(s) interacted with

Storm King's Thunder


Neutral Good Half-Elf (Military / Infrantry)
Paladin 7
57 / 57 HP

Nomime Shandri

Bene Lugosi

Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP

Ranvas Pahrunath

Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
18 Mar 2024

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