Chapter 60: Fires of Ironslag

General Summary

Date: 13th of Nightal, 1491 DR

  The cold winter sun shone across the foothills of Ice Spires, where the heroes had arrived once more to face off against Duke Zalto, the leader of the Fire Giant forge Ironslag. After ascending the thousand steps to the yakfolk village, the party found it destroyed where only ash and decay remained. Effigies of yikari corpses as well as other humanoids were placed upon iron spikes at the center of the village, as a sign of vengeance or warning the party couldn't tell. To enter the Fire Giant forge, they decided to use the spiral staircase that descended into the mines.   After descending a few hundred feet, led by Ranvas, the heroes began to hear sounds. They followed the noise and discovered slaves that were mining while being guarded by a large reptile-like creature. They decided to surprise the creature in order to free the prisoners. Ranvas fired shots at it as Belros unleashed his Eldritch Blasts. The salamander decided to escappe, but not before setting one of the miner's backpacks to explode. Nomime managed to freeze the backpack and Ranvas threw it away while the creature slithered deeper into the mine tunnels. Combat was over...for now.   The slaves explained that Duke Zalto had taken safety measures against intruders, the exploding backpack being one of them. They also told about the other prisoners still being kept by Ironslag. The party unshackeled the prisoners and led them outside where after provisions from the Good Fellas, the freed slaves were now set to return to Citadel Adbar. Nomime managed to convert four of the prisoners to Giftgiver's cause and after bidding them farewell, the party decided to use the elevator for a faster descent.   The party noticed a strange embedded shape on the elevator that wasn't there before, but couldn't figure out what it was for. They would discover it soon however. The elevator began falling down the shaft as it detached from the railing. Luckily Nomime enchanted the heroes with her spell feather fall which helped them land safely to the upper level of to two guarding Ogres.   The party brought down the ogres quickly but the noise from the crashing elevator brought attention to the shaft. A Fire Giant appeared and assaulted the party, kicking Belros to the elevator shaft while pummeling the rest. They managed to bring it down and decided to leave the area soon. They knew they couldn't rest and heal as the stronghold was now on alert, so they opted for drinking some potions while exploring further.   They freed some prisoners and jumped on carts that were transporting ore around the forge. The party passed through various rooms and were almost caught, but managed to avoid attention. Nut was almost thrown into a smelter, but thanks to his Invisibility Cloak, he managed to hang on until the party appeared on the main assembly hall. There, they found Duke Zalto yelling out orders to find the intruders. The heroes quickly came up with a plan of ambush.   The party crept up to Zalto and surprised him, giving all they had with hail of bullets and arrows, spells and attacks. But the power of the Duke was not to be underestimated. He summoned pillars of molten lava on Nut and Ranvas that found a vantage point on the upper level, causing them to relocate. He cleaved with his massive sword, bringing down the support pillars of the room. The Vonindod was activated as it beamed a laser towards Ranvas and Nut, almost disintegrating both of them in an instant.  
  The heroes were also a force to be reckoned with. Ranvas teleported next to the forge, finding a trapped Primodial within. Soon after, Duke drew the power of the Dawn Titan, making him impervious to all effects and attacks. With a massive shockwave of fire and energy, Duke Zalto released it, vaporizing anything that stood closeby. With most of the party down, the giant set sight on Ranvas, basking in his victory. Then, from the shadows, Bene rushed up and threw his dagger at the Giants neck. With the dagger piercing through its spine, the Giant fell to the ground, finally defeated.  
  As the heroes revived their allies, they heard as the rest of the dungeon was now aware of their presence. The mountain rumbled as dozens of steps shook the ground, coming closer to them. Will the Good Fellas get away safely? Can they manage to free the prisoners as well or will the Fires of Ironslag become their demise?

Rewards Granted

  • Milestone level up

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Defeat the Fire Giant Lord

Character(s) interacted with

  • Duke Zalto

Storm King's Thunder


Neutral Good Half-Elf (Military / Infrantry)
Paladin 7
57 / 57 HP

Nomime Shandri

Bene Lugosi

Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP

Ranvas Pahrunath

Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
02 May 2024
Primary Location

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