Chapter 15: Phandalin Under Attack

General Summary

Date: 12th to 19th of Kythorn, 1491 DR

  The town of Phandalin was shaken from its peacefulness as an entourage of Fire Giants, Orcs and Ogres launched their attack against the villagers. Boulders crashed into the buildings as orcs were cutting down the fleeing residents. Small magma-like creatures were doing the bidding of the Giants and setting the buildings on fire. The party realized that the Giants however were not interested in the destruction of Phandalin, as the massive behemoths stomped towards south to the direction of Alderleaf Farm. To the farm where the Nomimes younger brother currently was.   The protectors of Phandalin rushed into a daring rescue, destroying the small pyromaniacs and saving the trapped civilians along the way. As they reached to the farm, they saw the house besieged by Magmins that were slowly setting it on fire. In the middle of the farm field, the two giants were digging the ground meticulously, uninterested of the party or the house.   The Good Fellas attacked the fire creatures, that exploded into molten lava and fire when defeated. The house was ablaze and the screams inside gave warning that there wasn't much time left. Rushing through the fire, Virion smashed open the door and bolted upstairs, while Nomime followed quickly after using a breath of ice to subdue the flames. Virion found the older halfling woman pinned under a bookshelf that he easily threw against the wall. He grabbed the frail halfling woman and sped downstairs.   Nomime heard faint whimpers coming from the basement of the house. She dashed into the cellar and found the two young boys huddled in the corner. Grabbing the scared children, they made their way up the stairs as the house was slowly collapsing. The sharp whining of the support pillars indicated the house was inches away from crashing down, crushing anyone that was inside.   Maescia had managed to break down a window of the common room and Virion brought the halfling woman into her grasp. She dragged the distraught farmer away to safety as Virion turned to see the three adolescents slowly making their way into the hall of the house. With supernatural speed, the monk dashed and grabbed the kids, barely escaping as the pillars gave in and the house crumbled. Dust and splinters were flying everywhere, but the family was fortunately saved.   At this point the heroes saw a third giant making its way towards the farm fields, carrying not a small, but a humanoid sized body in its hands. They quickly hurried and opened the latch of the stables, releasing the frightened ox Stacy, that bolted towards west. Climbing up the hill to the ruined Tresendar Manor, they overlooked the town that was ablaze and the dozens of corpses that were littering the streets.  
  After bringing miss Alderleaf and the two boys to the basement of the manor, the heroes decided to go back and try rescuing the other villagers. As they appeared above ground however, they saw the Giants leaving with their entourage. One of them was hauling a massive crescent-shaped metallic object that seemingly was the reason they were in Phandalin.   The Good Fellas made their way across the village to look for any survivors, taking care of the wounded and help dragging the deceased away from the streets. Bene was able to locate the refugees west of Phandalin and after relaying that the Giants left, the remaining townsfolk marched back to Phandalin. The loss was heavy as many families were now broken, loved ones were killed and homes were destroyed.   Maescia was able to find clues on the Orc bodies, as some were sporting the similar totem-markings as the orcs in Wyvern Tor. They made their way back into the Alderleaf farm where they found the dug hole as well as the body the giant was carrying earlier. The body was of their lost friend Firbo, who was missing his adamantine amulet. No other grave was disturbed, but questions began piling on top of each other.   As they made their way back to the town square, they found Garaele, Sildar, Daran, Qelline and unfamiliar old druid all huddled in front of the ruined Townmaster's Hall. The group was led to Garaeles home where they would talk about the events that unfolded. The attack had shaken the representatives of the different factions into action and they gave out tasks to the Good Fellas. The heroes learned of a dragon being recruited in the Ruins of Thundertree as well as a mention of the Lugosi name.   Their path was now to travel to the Corkscrew Mines, where they would seek the Forever Stone. From there the road will lead them to Triboar and then to Yartar to look clues of the Giants emerging from their homes and attacking the settlements of the people of the North. During this travel, they saw a massive tower sitting in clouds along the way that they quickly avoided. Days went by and eventually the Good Fellas had made their way into the entrance of the Corkscrew Mines. With the threat of Giants as well as the mysterious group interested in Dragons, the heroes will have to face new threats they've never encountered before. The road is long and there is no telling what dangers await the Good Fellas along the way.

Rewards Granted

  • Milestone level 6

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Survived the attack of Fire Giants

Character(s) interacted with

Storm King's Thunder

Nomime Shandri

Bene Lugosi

Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP

Ranvas Pahrunath

Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
27 Nov 2021
Primary Location

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