Chapter 11: The Spider's Web

General Summary

Date: 2nd of Kythorn, 1491 DR

  After the exhausting battle against the ghouls, the adventurers rested and planned for their next step. While patching their wounds and managing their weapons a mysterious man sneaked his way into the barracks. The party confronted the figure named Baishu who heard noises coming from the cave and decided to investigate. Some reacted with suspicion towards Baishu and his reasons to be there, but eventually the party decided to take him along. Even though Baishu told them he preferred not to fight, Bene thought he would prove useful in helping them venture through the dangers lurking in the shadows of the lost mine.   The newly-named group of the Good Fellas traveled into the great cavern where they previously alerted the horde of ghouls. They found the cavern empty, save for the dozens of skeletons that lied silently on the ground. Keen eyes of Ranvas and Baishu noticed a withered hand amidst the bodies, glowing ever so slightly. The hand was mummified but had skin and flesh when all other remains had long before withered into bone.   From this point forward would be uncharted territory, so the party decided to let Ranvas scout ahead. The cavern shrank into a flight of stairs heading north and split into two pathways. The door to the left had been ripped clean off its hinges and as Ranvas pointed his light source inside the room, he witnessed a hulking monstrosity feasting on a fresh group of bugbears. The party came up with a plan to lead the creature into the great cavern and ambush it there. Nal acted as a bait, drawing out the undead ogre that charged angrily through the flight of stairs into the cavern where the rest of the Good Fellas began firing it with bolts, bullets and magic.  
  Even though everything was going according to plan, the monster was slashed, burned and shot, it still carried on attacking the party. The ogre managed to swing its metal morningstar towards Baishu, almost killing the human with one blow. After devastating the corpse of this large undead to the limit where limbs and body parts were melting and detaching from it, the creature eventually fell, crushing one of the banquet tables under it.    
  The party continued their way into the barracks where the ogre zombie had been eating the bugbears. They found that the western door was barricaded as well as some equipment and bags pointing that the bugbears were using this room as an outpost. Most notably the adventurers found a crate full of various gemstones, that the bugbears seemingly had gathered. They cleared the makeshift barricade of boxes and beds and continued west where they found a large underwater lake. Echoes and apparitions from the past appeared and showed one of the many gruesome deaths the defenders had suffered from the hands of the orcs. The illusion of a human wizard wielding a powerful wand fell to the lake, filled with orc arrows. The party decided to stay clear of the lake, and continued north.   Climbing through a flight of stairs and over a bridge they appeared to a hallway decorated by dwarven made walls. Opening the brass double doors revealed a large temple, each corner adorned by massive stone pillars that stretched into the dark ceiling. In front of the large dwarven statue that stood on the northern side of the room was a drow performing a magical ritual. Supporting him were four bugbears that instantly turned towards the adventurers, gripping their weapons and readying themselves to fight.   The others hesitated for a bit, but Nal stormed inside ready to stop the ritual from completing. Engaging alone against the four bugbears, her fists moved as a flurry of blows, deflecting the attacks of the enemies while delivering precise counterattacks. The adventurers quickly followed, which in turn gave Baishu the opportunity to sneak along the shadows of the walls. Massive giant spiders ambushed the heroes from the ceiling, shooting web to restrain them and biting them with neurotoxic venom.   The battle was ever so slightly turning towards the favor of the enemies as Nal fell, while the others realized the drow Black Spider was protected by a magical shield that stopped their ranged attacks. At this point Baishu had managed to sneak behind the Black Spider slowly drawing both of his shortswords. A wave of shock that shifted into agony overcame the Black Spider as he saw two blades emerging from his ribcage. Blood seeped into his mouth as the ritual was abrupted and the Black Spider fell to the ground.  
  Victory however was not yet achieved. Darkness filled the room and a sense of dread washed over the occupants. A presence of something sinister arrived, wrapping its power to the body of the Black Spider. The shadows twisted and crushed the body into a dark cocoon that floated in the air. The bugbears panicked and ran away while the giant spiders awaited their masters reincarnation. Long dark legs pierced through the cocoon and a monster hatched from the darkness. The Black Spider, who was now half spider half drow, cursed the adventurers for they were the reasons of his bane and launched his attack.   It skittered towards the adventurers and attacked swiftly with its legs and sword. Nal was impaled, while Virion and Nomime were desperately trying to avoid its attacks. The spiders engaged as well, restraining the heroes that were trying to retreat. Maescia rushed inside to save Nal, but quickly succumbed to the poison of the spiders. The party decided to make a run for it.  
  To the surprise of others, Nomime rushed inside to the den of spiders, desperately trying to drag Maescia away from danger. The others shouted for her to save herself, but the young wizard grabbed Maescia and began dragging her to safety. Before she had a chance to escape, the spiders were covering her and Maescia with webs, ready to drag the helpless creatures into the darkness and consume them alive.   Seeing its pets securing the two meals, the Black Spider turned towards the others making their escape. With dark magic, it vanished and appeared in front of the adventurers, blocking their escape. Only four heavily wounded adventurers were standing and their way of retreat had been blocked. The Good Fellas were surrounded as the remaining spiders came to flank them from behind. The situation seemed hopeless as the Black Spider was ready to unleash its deadly attacks.  
  Bene gritted his teeth and squeezed the trigger. A bolt from his crossbow launched towards the Black Spider, piercing its throat. The face of the monster was twisted into shock as it toppled from the bridge into the murky waters below. "Enjoy the big fish" Bene smiled through his teeth as the rest turned towards the spiders. The defeat of their master was enough to break their morale and the spiders scattered into a retreat.   Inside the temple however, Maescia was dragged along the pillar by a hungry large spider. Clinging to Maescia was Nomime who desperately was trying to save her. From the doorway a shirtless man dashed towards the spider and broke its carapace with his fists. The heroes had won.   Searching through the room, they found a massive load of treasure as well as notes and letters of the Black Spider. Nomime grabbed his staff that was adorned by a spider on top, while Bene had procured a diamond that could save his brothers life. Nal studied the notes and deduced that the ritual was of Abjuration school specifically designed to ward the Material Plane from something. What was Black Spider trying to protect the Material Plane from?   In the next room, they found a beaten and grimy dwarf that revealed to be the youngest Rockseeker; Nundro. He was glad to hear that Gundren was alive and as the party was escorting him out from the cave, he offered the party a handsome reward to clear the cave from the vermin so that the Rockseekers wouldn't have trouble exploring it later on.   When the dwarf made his way out of the cave, the party turned back to face the remaining dangers and find Nomime's father that they thought still resided in Wave Echo Cave. Even though Black Spider was defeated, the Good Fellas would have to be cautious for there was no telling what threats lurked in the shadows. And as a swarm of large insects flooded towards them, the Good Fellas readied themselves to uncover the mysterious of the long lost Mine of Phandelver.

Rewards Granted

  • Hand of Uruth (assumed)
  • The Black Spider Staff
  • Diamond worth of 500gp
  • Potion of Healing

Other Treasure:

  • Diamond (300gp)
  • 10x Eye Agate (12gp each)
  • 5x Citrine (10gp each)
  • 8x Smoky Quartz (40gp each)
  • 190 electrum pieces
  • 130 gold pieces
  • 15 platinum pieces
  • 9x gemstones (10 gp each)
  • Ruby Powder worth 1000gp
  • Dwarven ale mug made of hammered electrum (100 gp)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Defeated the Black Spider
  • Rescued Nundro Rockseeker

Storm King's Thunder
Report Date
16 Oct 2021
Primary Location
Wave Echo Cave

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