Tenebris Rising

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Eidolon
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Agatha Banglock
    Agatha Banglock Apprenticed under Jhonny Trinity, a living legend in Panshaw. She focused heavily on alchemy, eschewing training with thieves’ tools and the like. What if she faced a lock? Bang! Alchemy solved that too. Agatha couldn't learn-much more from her master, and decided to go where he hadn't. Aunty Gremeth Ever-youth was said to have been alive for centuries without aging a day perhaps she knew something Agatha didn't. If not, at least Tithonoloths are said to make exquisite alchemical ingredients which are stil open for much research.
  • Bashir Khan
    A crass and blunt man, fiercely protective of his neighbors, family, and friends. The local leader of the town of Ambrosia Mills. Years of keeping the town running , and the business flowing, has gotten plenty wisdom under his belt.
  • Bratuk StandingMountain
    Bratuk was raised to be a monstrosity in the Crimson Sand Arena. He doesn't recall anything from before then. Living in Colossus, Bratuk picked up their language and their customs. The men were surprised by the minotaur' intelligence, even Imperator Tiberius himself Instead of sacrificing such a valuable asset in a single event, it was decided that Bratuk would become a gladiator, fighting with weapons and armor, and gaining favor of the populace. You've got to admit, it's pretty cool to see a well equipped minotaur fighting, almost like a supersized gladiator. As a final task to gain his freedom, Bratuk was ordered to either kill a Tithonoloth queen and bring back the bounty, or even better, bring alive one to fight in the arena
  • Brom Tricksleeves
    Snarky, smartass, and always lookin for a good deal. This wandering trader is on the life goal to get set for retirement, off of swindling fools like you. he might know a thing or two about some party tricks too..
  • Buffo
    Brom's trusty steed and most loyal of companions!
  • Slig't
    Leader of the remaining Durk in Tenebris, twin brother of Tigs'p
  • Tigs'p
    Twin sister to Slig't, she leads the effort to fight back against the Bane Swarm to keep the remaining Durk tribes safe.
  • Ungor Shrodie
    A very learned and respected orc, and through a passion of cooking and hospitality ended setting up a wonderful in the town of Ambrosia Mills
  • Urios Keenbluff
    Urios Keenbluff is part of a group of travelling halflings who roam the world ridding it of evil and injustice. Among his many deeds are saving both a queen and a princess from a scheming mad mage, stealing the hoard from two dragons and planting evidence that the other dragon was the culprit, winning a fencing tournament with his right hand tied to his left foot, and climbing Mount Jamanroliki in a single day! All of this barefooted, he says! Whether these are deeds of Urios, or merely keen bluffs, the halfling is determined to venture into the Tenebris for fame and excitement. His confident voice will guide and inspire his companions in their hour of need!
  • Uten Ironhearth
    Forge worker in the town of Ambrosia Mills. Take no shit, give no fucks, this dwarf isn't here for your feelings. either you got business or you gotta' go.

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