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Session VI: "City's End" Report

General Summary

  • The party is dropped off in front of City's End by their accommodating transport, Varjin. Arrangements are made with Kyuffax, Tic Tok and Matheos who remained in the northen section of the city to bring the Praelia down to a starport in the southern region of Iziz. The party passes through the now worn and well traveled remains of the crumbled old city wall, stepping into City's End, a ramshackle district that sprang up just outside the compromised wall which quickly became a haven to those who had no other place to go. A newer wall of lesser construction could be seen raising up around the barriers of this new district. Unlike the stone buildings of the older parts of Iziz, the structures of City's End were mostly wooden, stick frame architecture, thrown together quickly with whatever resources were within reach.
  • Making their way through town, the party sees a handful of shops and businesses along the main drag: A security agency that doubled as the districts bounty office, a forge/armory, basic supply stores, a cantina and an Inn, though none seem to have any clear signage or naming. Zin enters the security agency and registers for two bounty missions. The first is to hunt down a beast that's been attacking the wall builders during construction, slowing progress in securing the city from the jungle wilds. The beast is a Zakkeg, and the clerk mentions that they like to make their den's in dark places. The other bounty is to catch a thief that's been plaguing the local businesses. He then joins the rest of the party who had made their way to the cantina.
  •  On posing a few well placed questions at the cantina, they find out the name of the Inn next door is "The Boma's Den". Inside the Boma's Den they find the proprietor, Furud, and his on duty clerk Dracen. It would appear Dracen is a loyalist that runs a bit of a safehouse at the Inn under Furud's, well meaning but quite unobservant, nose. Dracen seems to have a lot of resentment towards the royals of Iziz, but is tight lipped about his past. Zin notices that Dracens clothes, while worn and faded, seem to be of very high quality and betray a much higher station than one would expect of a resident in City's End. After securing lodging in the Inn's more secure rooms, the party goes back to the Cantina.
  • Tarsi, disguised, interacts with a few patrons and employees of the cantina. His odd behavior draws the attention of a young man sitting a few tables away. He comes over and introduces himself as Askellan Norvak, a native of Agamar. Through the course of the evening Tarsi, in one shape or another, learns that Askellan is a bit of a treasure hunter who has come to Onderon in search of historical ruins that might hold valuables as yet untouched by all but time.  He says he knows of some ruins nearby the city, overgrown and overtaken by the aggressive wilderness of Onderon. He asks Tarsi and Jadran to meat him back at the cantina in the morning if they're interested in getting in on the action.
  • Zin scouts out the local businesses and picks out one of the shops near the wall that had been hit repeatedly, an armory from the look of it. He sets and alarm and hides his holo recorder in an attempt to catch the thief on camera.
  •  With a long term stay set up at The Boma's Den, the party settles in for their first night in this new area of Iziz, the jungle looming menacingly just a short distance from where they lay...

Stranded in an Unknown Time...
Report Date
13 May 2020

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