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Session V - "The Chase" Report

General Summary

  • The party takes a closer look at the data pad that seems to hold some answers to Sullio's death. They find 4 files.
  • 1. An image file that shows an insignia/family crest Titled "Becorum Pelti"
    2. A schematic/map of the Aqueduct beneath Iziz
    3. A file with 3 lines of text, all containing a persoanl name and a location, accept for one which has only a location: "Sheltav Kim, Imperial General, Iziz" "Ceros Dala, Pyke Syndicate, Kessel southern hemisphere" "Rebel base, Kessendra outskirts, Kessel northern hemisphere"
    4. A short holo recording of Sullio talking to the man the party was sent to meet on Kessel by Rebel base commander Liorz Jauli, only to find his room tossed and his body slumped in the hallway. It was in that room on Kessel that this datapad was recovered. Several points seem to stand out from their conversation - Sullio thinks someone is on to her because her security clearance was revoked that morning, and she has lost her ability to keep track of Becorum Pelti. She says she believes Becorum's influence is spreading to places beyond Onderon, having found messages between the Pelti and 3l key figures and locations. She hands over a list of these areas of becorums suspected influence. After this she says she is going in to hiding, thinking of going to Bahima's Tap Haus that evening to ask Dhagon if he'll try to leave the city with her. Finally she says to the man, "Remember, if you need a friend, go to the royal house of warehouse villa. If you need a place to hide, find the Boma's Den at City's End." The recording then ends...
  • On leaving the Inn with this new information, the party sees a detachment of the military police questioning civilians in the square. Panaar quickly walks up and berates them for attacking Teli, and tells them that now there is a warrant out for the arrest of Drakk and Kyuffax, that Teli was able to snap an image of Kyuffax as he was breaking down his door. The party retraces their steps back in to the Inn and bolt for the back entrance. Emptying out in to the alleyway, they are surprised to see a young girl with black and pink hair gesturing for them to follow her. Taking a risk, they choose to follow this mysterious individual. despite slipping away in a clandestine manner, the military police and their war droids are able to track them down with startling ease. A skirmish ensues in an abandoned warehouse, accompanied by some strange events, clouds and heavy rain appearing inside the building with them. After defeating the droids, the party disappears into the depths of Iziz...
  • The young girl encountered turns out to be on special assignment from Queen Talia, trying to protect those that Vaklu's military police go after. She knows the city well and is able to point them towards City's End, though she hasn't heard of "warehouse villa". City's End is a small village that's grown up around the outside of a broken down part of the wall in the southern section of Iziz. A secondary wall has begun to be built surrounding this new extension of the city. After hiring transport, the begin making their way towards City's End...
  • Stopping at a local archive, Jadran does a quick search for records of Becorum Pelti. The Pelti were an ancient Onderonian clan that sought to control the ruling powers of Iziz, which they did for many centuries, though eventually their grip was loosened by in-fighting among their members and they disappeared into the pages of history...
  • The party gets back on the road and continues on to City's End, hoping to find respite from their pursuers at this "Boma's Den", and for the first time since landing on Onderon, have a chance to catch their breath.

Stranded in an Unknown Time...
Report Date
10 May 2020

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