Session 5 Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 5

General Summary

In the aftermath of the froghemoth fiasco, with the sticky remnants of the encounter still clinging to them, the motley crew of adventurers took a well-deserved breather. Reia, with a more than a slight grimace, wiped away the last traces of froghemoth slime as the others gathered around their bounties, eager to delve into their spoils.   Amidst the camaraderie, Alkaid, with kindness, extended an unexpected invitation to Abstract, the little froggie they had befriended amidst the chaos. With a hop and a croak of agreement, Abstract decided to join their merry band, adding a touch of amphibious charm to their adventuring party.   Like agile hopping frogs themselves, they traveled through the swamp and navigated their way through the murky terrain until they stumbled upon another portal, beckoning them into the depths of an ancient dwarven mine. The air was thick with the scent of rusted metal and decay as they ventured deeper into the forgotten tunnels.   Their senses alert, they sprang into action as they stumbled upon a nest of skeletal adversaries. With swift reflexes and keen perception, they dismantled their foes before they could even fully materialize, leaving naught but dust in their wake. Even young Killian, his nerves palpable, lent a hand, earning a nod of approval from Alkaid.   Their journey through the winding caves led them to a tangled labyrinth of webs, a foreboding sign of what lay hidden away in dark crevices. Carefully treading along the edges, they encountered yet another battleground, this time facing off against a towering Minotaur skeleton. In a seamless display of teamwork, Reia enlarged Eriphise, who stood her ground without flinching as the skeletal behemoth charged forth.   And so, amidst the chaos of battle, we leave our story till next time...

Enter the Nexus
Report Date
14 Mar 2024

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